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She turned around to check if the feeling was right or was it just a misconception. No one but the grand building of the French restaurant she had just exited.

After an hour of formalities and ethnicities, she was bared by the Royal Family, with a small request. Prince's birthday was nearing gradually and they wanted her to prepare a special speech for the prince, which she will read out before the cake cutting ceremony.

To her surprise, as soon as she got to know that he loved her writings and was a great admirer of her, she couldn't help but feel splendid.

"Inaya?" She looked at Namjoon, following behind his lead as they exited the area. Jungkook was at his friend's, right?

She turned around once again, meeting the same view. But the black hoodie reminded her so badly of Jungkook. Shrugging off the thought she walked away, hopping in the car after her manager and eyed the restaurant for the last time as they drove away.


"What?" It wasn't meant to be harsh or rude, but when the word left his mouth it just happened to come out like that.

"Son, Jungkook. That is not how you talk to your elders. Where are your manners, is that a way how you greet your parents?" He didn't like it, not at all. The way his mother hadn't spared a look to him and continued eating lavishly, he hated it. His father, on the other hand, was already standing and had walked a step, ready to hug him but stopped as soon as his mother pulled onto his coat.

Clearing his throat loudly, loud enough to make his mother's face squint, he bowed respectfully and walked to the table, sitting opposite to them.

"Mother, may I cognise the reason you've called me for?"

She laughed, covering her mouth with her hand. "Look, honey, now he is acting like my good boy." Her hand skimmed over Jungkook's whilst he just stared at her. "Of course, you may, Jungkook. We have a good news for you. But before that, tell me you are no more with that useless girl."

There was a sudden urge inside him to shout, but he didn't. Her eyes strongly locked with his own, a small smile painted on her lips and he couldn't do anything.

"Why are you doing this? Why are you behaving like this, mom? You weren't like... Please, stop acting like a-"

"Don't, I very well know what you want to say, but don't. That's not good for your reputation." Her fingers tapped over the table, she sat properly giving a nod to her husband.


"Dad why? This is so wrong. In my entire life, I never really got the attention or power of being a prince then why now? Why are you all pushing me to the edge of the cliff when I don't want to jump? Why should I continue your royalty when I don't even think that I'm worthy of it? Why?"

He saw sorrow in his father's eyes and an apologetic glimmer, but then it was replaced with emptiness and he immediately realised that it was of no use. More the times he tried to convince them, more he'd be disappointed.

The atmosphere screamed of tension, the weather outside growled loudly and the rain started to pour down heavily. A small tear left his eyes.

"I'm sorry but no, mother, I never left her, and I will not!" He said it, he did that. And he didn't budge even after seeing the colour on his mother's face fade away. He got up, pulling his hood on, giving a small bow to them, being respectful while he can be and started walking away from them.

"Jeon Jungkook, you are getting married to whichever girl I will choose for you and that's final. No ifs, no buts and you are not allowed to leave yet."

His eyes darkened as he heard her, darkened with rage, but nonetheless he kept on walking away. Glaring at every guard who tried to stop him. He made his way out of the restaurant, before he pulled himself to a corner and completely broke down, his tears never ending like the heavy drops of water, descending from the sky, that wetted him.

"Why me?"



Wowowowow. There is toooooo much sadness in this story but anyways, I always try to bring bright moments.

Be the best of you!

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