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a person who is appreciative of and sensitive to art and beauty.


Colours. Patches and puddles. Red, white, green, every colour that could be identified by the mess created in that room. But for one reason the outcome was pretty. Jungkook, himself, had clapped at the perfect background painted by Inaya.

"Noona?" He called out for her walking further into the, then white, but now multicoloured room.

She laid on the ground, her eyes shut and her breathing steady. He shook her, which just made her groan. "Don't disturb me, I'm tiredddd," She sung out, snuggling more into herself.

"Alright then, it's my work to complete what you started." He smiled at her, she looked too cute to be almost 28 years old, he thought. And then her lips were puckering out, which was even more cute. Kissing her cheek softly, he grabbed a paintbrush in his own hands, carrying on the left out work.

According to what she painted, he deciphered it to be a wall of some royal house, particularly a place where the young princess would style her hair while looking at the simple yet slick mirror, round mirror, Inaya had painted. And now he had to carry on, complementing the colours of her choice, he decided the princess to be blonde. With thick, wavy hair left undone on her shoulders and a loose pink dress and for sure, her reflection in the mirror.

It took him more than an hour to outline what he had imagined in his mind. When Inaya woke up she saw him painting a girl on the canvas, just what she had thought about, and the finishing touches were still left.

Wrapping her arms around his torso, she rested her head over his broad back. "You're up."

"I am. Anyway, how did the very same idea pop up in your mind? Even I was thinking about the royal princesses while painting that background." She nodded to herself, approving her own strokes and then went on with admiring her boyfriend's.

She won't even hesitate while admitting that he was better than her when it came to art. His strokes were clean and appreciative, a lot more than her. And he had this way of painting which always gave bright vibes to her. Not to mention his colour choices were great.

And he just made it look better. Whatever she did, she believed even if that was just a coincidence, he improved her. He shaped her thoughts into a beautiful scenery. He lifted her from better to best.

"Paintbrush?" She placed her hand in front of him, when he was done with painting the princess.

"What will you add?"

"Flowers." She smiled at him brightly, taking the brush from him and sitting down to outline a vase, and then several stems reaching up to the level of the girl in the painting.

A little unsatisfied with the painting, Jungkook pulled out another brush, smudging all the colours, on the wooden palette, to a brownish pink hue. And he started to smudge the other side with it, making flowers, but not so detailed. Bringing a raw look to the canvas.

"Done!" They both clasped their hands together, jumping up and down. Patting each other proudly, appreciating each other's work.

"Tired, tired, tired. I AM TIRED, JEON JUNGKOOK!"

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