220 19 31

I need somebody to heal
Somebody to know
Somebody to have
Somebody to hold
It's easy to say
But it's never the same
I guess I kinda liked the way
you numbed all the pain

Someone you loved (Acoustic)
~Lewis Capaldi


"You aren't serious... You CAN'T BE!" He shouted, clearly hurt because of her words.

"Noona, please forgive me once, it was just a mistake, just a lie..." He begged, staring at his love with wide eyes, his heart hoping for some contentment.

"Just a lie? Jungkook, what the fuck? What do you mean by just a lie?" She stared at him with utter disbelief. "Jungkook, that wasn't just a lie... That was- that was-"

"A betrayal..." He murmured, and completed her sentence, and she looked at him instantly. Her tears, that had dried a while ago, started surfacing once again and he wanted to hug her, comfort her, but he didn't. And he couldn't help her but just stand there. He felt pathetic, he was the cause of her problem but he couldn't solve it, and that ached him.

A drop left his own eye as he stared at Inaya, unaware of what he should do to comfort her. Because he really meant it when he said that he loved her, that it would ache him when he'd see her crying, see his superhero crying. Because he was supposed to lean on her from the beginning but only a part of him could do that. A part of him that was always free; free from his family, his worries, his issues, but that wasn't exactly his whole self and that hurted him even more.

"Leave me alone, Jungkook, please." She cried out, pushing him away, towards the door, a little harshly. And he didn't stop her, rather moved according to her. Convincing himself that that would be the best for both of them. And so he moved away, slowly and painfully, as if he was dancing his last dance of love and now was the time to say goodbye.

When he was just a step away from the door, she moved forward and cupped his cheeks, wiping away his tears with utmost care . "Don't cry, Jungkook, it hurts me..." He knew she meant that, because she loved him but she wouldn't admit it ever again and that withered him.

He looked at her, giving her a small broken smile through his tears, looking at her desperately, as if asking for something and she nodded.

Ever so delicately he pulled her face and gently placed his lips on her's. Kissing her for the last time, with everything he had to give, with every drop of love he had in him. Expressing his feelings in the most appropriate manner. To live their love once again while he could and drown in it so he wouldn't break in near future. He kissed her sincerely and she didn't stop him but when she pulled away, he cried even harder. She couldn't be so cruel, not when he needed her, but destiny had played him bad.

He looked at her again, moving a little forward to maybe, just maybe, kiss her again but she didn't want that and she pushed him away, gently. Shaking her head, as if they weren't doing the right thing, as if all this would just make it ten thousand times more difficult for her than it already was.

"Get out, Jungkook. I don't want to see you anymore." And his heart fell out of his body, broken, shattered. As if she had stepped all over it, not once but again and again.

"I love you, Inaya, just so you know... I love you, very, very much..." He sighed, defeated, and turned around to go away.

"And I can't, Jungkook, because I don't have the ability to bear the pain again... Just so you know..." She sobbed quietly and shut the door.

He fell down on his knees, crying out loud. Asking for mercy but there was no one who would hear his prayers and he was aware. Because his life wasn't his, because he was a royal and that was the biggest mistake he had ever made, to be born like a royal.

But he hadn't known that behind that wooden door sat his lover, crying just like him or probably more, suppressing her sobs because she could hear Jungkook and didn't want him to know. Didn't want him to know that she was right there, with him, sharing his pain. And that she was afraid that if she saw him crying she'll run back to him, to be his superhero. But that would be idiotic, for if he wasn't punished once, he'd do the same mistake again and again. And she wasn't ready for that.

"Goodbye, Jungkook..." She whispered, hoping he'd hear her and forgive her for her cruelty but she knew he didn't. And that, she supposed, was their ending.



Ik this chapter ain't even that big, and I took a lot of time but honestly this would be the most difficult part for me to write, this whole phase of break-up and all, 'cause i ain't know any shit about this thing. So....

Anyway! Get ready for drama, i mean it's already getting emotional in here but it'll be literally dramatic from now on, 'cause this girl here gets dramatic when it comes to stories :)

And y'all should take care, and drink nice amount of water, and eat like a pig, and snore like a bear... Just so you know~ All this is important.

Be the best of you!

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