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Loving you was sunshine, safe and sound
A steady place to let down my defenses
But loving you had consequences

~Camila Cabello


"Eun Ae, Jungkook's fiancee," The arena roared with claps and cheers. There were chattering and clinking of glasses, few laughters that erupted from the families being tied in the bond, and the cap of the champagne bottle popping in another corner.

All of it, they fell like lightening on her.

There was no need to look around, she could already feel Olivia and Namjoon looking at her with wide eyes, as if they could see what was going in her mind. But no, nothing was there, no questions, no wonders. If a man can lie once, ofcourse he can do it again. Yes, that was it.

But her disappointment would shatter into regret, that was not it, that was not something she thought.

Far off, she could see a figure walking towards her immediately, Jimin. Him again. Not the one who should, or who she wanted. Her eyes trailed from him to Jungkook.

He was standing there, the other girl's hand still in his, but he was looking back at Inaya. His expression said nothing, but he had known all along, his eyes showed it all. The guilt, the pain, the fear. But she didn't care. Didn't want to. Didn't have to.

And before Jimin could reach her and make several other excuses for his friend, she left.


Jungkook watched the crowd leave, a little dissatisfied because the prominent writer had left before wishing the prince, and her manager had to substitute in her place. But did their dissatisfaction matter? No. He wanted to run as fast as he could and reach her before it was too late. He had to clear it out.

He remembered the wrath in Olivia's eyes, and so were Namjoon's words, unforgettable, before he had walked out of the venue.

"She didn't need another heartbreak. Unfortunately, Jungkook, I'm sad that you were the one who held her broken heart, just to leave it shattered with nothing left."

No, he didn't do that. He couldn't. He would never hurt her. He loved her, so much. So much that they couldn't know, couldn't compare, couldn't measure. How would they? There were no boundaries for his love. He'll make it all right, all right.

He had the power to, or so he had thought. His eyes were drowned in guilt, regret. His breathing had stopped the moment he had seen her leave. It felt like she was leaving him. But she wouldn't do that, she loved him too. She'll, for a little hope, he said to himself, she'll understand. She always did.

Everyday, every night, every hour they spent with each other, their love, it wasn't so weak that it'll break from this blow. At least not now, he needed her. She would be the only one who'll support him, against his family. She should be the one. There was no one else he could rely on.

He needed to talk to her, he needed to stop her, to love her before she hated him.

So there he was, banging on the hotel room's door she was staying in. It was past one in the morning, but he felt as energised as he was before the party. Ofcourse he was breathing hard, he didn't realise all the way that he was running until he reached the place.

"Noona!" He called out for her, but there was no reply. He banged his fist on the door again and again, until he heard the click sound.

He saw Olivia, still dressed the same, open the door. She was about to say something, but he pushed past her, looking for Inaya.

"Noona?!" He called out, once he looked everywhere, then ran into the bathroom.

She wasn't there.

"WHERE IS SHE?" He shouted, grabbing Olivia's shoulders tightly. His agitation increased as the seconds passed by.

"You-" She gulped, trying to keep her anger calm. "I don't know."

"YOU DON'T KNOW?!" He shouted again and she pushed him away. Strongly enough that he had stumbled a few steps back and strangely enough his reflex didn't help him from falling.

"You can't shout and STOP FAKING YOUR CARE. How can you do that? Huh? She loved you, with every inch of her. She FUCKING loved you. That's what you give back to her. ANOTHER HEARTBREAK?! She-"

"Olivia, tell me where is she?" He asked getting up and inching closer to her.

"No! You don't have to know. I don't want her to meet yo-" He pushed her against the wall, swiftly but not forcefully, gently enough to not make it worse than it already was.

"Tell me. I need to see her."

"Move away." And he did. His eyes didn't water yet and he wondered why? Why everytime he felt like crying the tears won't drop? They won't overflow like they did, like they did before meeting Inaya.

"Please," He fell on his knees. "Please... Just... tell me where she is, I beg you."


Once again, as she saw a man approaching her, she chuckled, turning away and making her way back to the bar. She sat on the stool, waving at the bartender, whom she had made friends with a few minutes, or was it hours, ago.

"The same one!" She tapped her hands on the wooden furniture whilst the guy nodded at her and carried on with his work.

"Hey, baby." She heard a person next to her.

"No baby!" She whined, throwing her hands on his chest.

"Oh, okay," The guy chuckled, pulling her along with him, with which she obliged. "How about princess?"

"No! Nothing! You won't call me anything!" She shook her head irritatedly. "Where are you taking me?" She asked in her slurred tone.

"To dance." He said, turning her around and pulling her body towards him, and started moving along the beat as she complied along.

There, she didn't realise when the man had left her and walked away, but she saw several others who were looking at her creepily, but she wasn't sober to realise that look. So she danced, just moving along the beat, keeping her distance from the bunch of people.

She started feeling dizzy, the alcohol clouded over her brain and the fatigue took over her body. She pushed pass through people, stumbling and staggering, to find a place for herself to sit.

She took hold of the table, falling on the couch and breathing heavily. As soon as she did that, there was someone who hovered on top of her, forced her to lean on him and tried carrying her away.

He would've almost succeeded but a punch was thrown at his face. And before she passed out, she heard a familiar voice, full of concern, ask, "Are you alright, Inaya?!"



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