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Second meet
Peaceful greet
Lovable treat
Clumsy but sweet!



Chapter 3

Paragraph 2, line 3

Second meet

Jeon. She mused. There was something about him that made her smile, yet again. Such an interesting and mischievous human. She had never heard from him, she never knew about his existence and then he was found in her garden, hiding. If he hadn't told her about all the E-mails he had sent her, she would've never thought of giving a look to her inbox.

545 unread mails.

And out of that 344 were from him. Widening her eyes at the amount of mails and then chuckling in disbelief, she further leaned in the couch, sipping on her favourite coffee.

She read all those mails within seven hours. They were long, unorganised. He didn't talk about something weird or tried threatening her but rather told her about his daily life.

I saw you on the television today. It was four hours after I returned from college. Talking about that, my second semester started today and it was so lot of fun.

So many new arrivals and I made few new friends. They're cool but.... shouldn't say that.... But I don't liked their behavior a lot, just teeny-tiny bit.

Oh shit! I started talking nonsense again. Anyways coming back to the actual topic, to you. You looked really beautiful, my heart skipped a beat, really! Okay... That was too much. My apologies.

She laughed at those sweet, weird, funny mails. He was cute, she thought. And he knew a lot about her. And he almost scavenged everything about her from Google. And then again, he understood her, somehow.

After reading those and other mails as well, she replied to a few. Then she stared at the digital clock, 7:10 pm, it read. She thought of going out and wasting her left hours for the day.

Pulling on her coat and boots she walked outside, instantly getting hit by the cold wind. She smiled, noticing how the leaves had all dried up and ended being dispatched, on the ground. It was mid fall. When she walked on them, they made a breaking sound that calmed her senses.

She walked over to a café she noticed in her small trip. On entering, the bell attached to the door made a tingling sound and marked her arrival. She walked further in and searched for the perfect table for herself. And there she found it, near the glass window and an aesthetic painting behind the seat, a seat for two.

She always carried a notebook and a pencil with her, never know when an idea might occur in that tiny brain of hers. She sat there and scavenged them out of her coat pocket and started scribbling on the pages.

"What would you like to order ma'am?" A shy, hoarse voice, she thought, she had heard before. Looking up to glance at the person's face, she was surprised.

"Jeon?" She stared at the young man infront of her, wearing a black coloured apron, what seemed to be his uniform, over a white shirt along with black pants.

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