210 20 16

Is it the just the memories dancing
at the back of my head
Or are we living our beginning again?


Her mind was flooded with memories. The sneakiness, the hunger, the passion, the desire, everything reminded her of the first time they tried making love. What were they sneaking from? The answer would still remain the same, themselves.

The way his hand held hers, she loved it, the same amount of affection but a little more urgency. There were impulses flowing from his hand to hers, and she didn't want to let go of it. She wanted to hold it, forever like this; with affection, with trust, with pride that the man walking ahead was hers.

If only Jungkook turned to look at her face, he'd witness pure bliss. Her eyes filled with euphoria of love, her lips parted in a lazy smile and her cheeks tinted of red.

She didn't realise when he carried her in his arms, more like when she was swept off the ground, her eyes were focused on him. When he looked down at her, she smiled merrily, making him smile in return. Her hands cupped his face before kissing him sweetly.

She gasped when he threw her on the bed a little harshly, glaring at him in the process. He grinned like a kid before laying down beside her. Lovely, the fact that she was the one to make the first move.

Annoying, that her hands were working too slow, which he ascertained to be her intention. He groaned when she didn't proceed any further, instead stayed still.

"Noona!" He whined, grabbing her wrists and shaking them vigorously.

She giggled at his tantrum but stayed still, wrapped her arms around his partly naked chest and snuggled into him. The movements made him question, but he wrapped his arms around her as well.

Her hand travelled down as she playfully, but harshly, smacked his butt, making him groan. He jerked immediately, pulling away from her, and rubbed his butt to lessen the honed feeling.

"What was that for?!" He glared at her whilst she giggled at him with her eyebrows rising and dipping.

"Now you know what I feel when you spank me!" She laughed happily, still staring at him when he hovered on top of her and attacked her neck with his playful kisses.

Those made her chuckle. "Jungkook-ah," He looked at her eagerly, her voice calming his senses and throwing him in a serendipity of her warmth.

He nodded desperately and deliberately, waiting for her to speak. When she didn't he realised that she wasn't in the mood, so he quietly laid down next to her, engulfing her in his warmth and cooing sweet dreams and a wonderful night in her ears, how she made his life perfect, like a lullaby until she fell asleep.

You fell asleep the first time we tried making love!


Much to Olivia's surprise, when she woke up, the sun was shining brightly but was troubled with clouds every now and then. She sighed, stretching her limbs and then it dawned on her; the two were missing.

"Excuse me?" She said to no one in particular, but hurriedly jumped out of the mattress, searching for them. "Honestly, if I slept on them fucking each other then I'm HAPPY!" She released the breath she was holding for a long time now, glad that she didn't witness any moaning or grunting.

"Ah hah!" She pointed at them but then soon rolled her finger back when she saw them sleeping harmoniously. His arm still wrapped around Inaya, as if she'd run away but he won't let her, whilst she faced the other way; her head exactly below Jungkook's chin.

"Cute," Olivia muttered before capturing the scene in her phone and then tip-toed to them.

She shouted loudly, making Inaya wake up abruptly and hit her head with Jungkook's chin, which woke him up too as he grunted lowly at the impact.

"What happened?" They shouted together, Inaya rubbing her skull whilst Jungkook was rubbing his chin.

"Nothing, it just felt annoying to see you two sleep like sloths."



I'm A New Superhero, Anpanman!

Tbh, we just need fillers at the moment. I hope it's working.

Be the best of you!

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