w.y - the final chapter: the holiday special pt. 3

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"new years eve in new york city? who would of thought i would of been in new york city on new year's eve. and to be invited to a roof top new years party right near the crystal ball? i can already see the outfits!" i smiled. we

"right? i can't wait. who are you going to kiss on new years?" maddie said.

"i don't know. i didn't even think of that. dear god..." i said. that's a whole other life-shattering decision i have to make.

"we can help you decide." madelyn said.

"i call this secret session of the two loves into session." maddie joked.

"so how do you feel about drew?" she asked.

"after the party, i realized everything he's said to me has been for the betterment of me. he's helped me through one of the most trying times in my life. and i do get butterflies when i'm around him. and i...guess i love him." i said.

"but with rudy...it's a whole other world of emotions. yes, he's put me through some shit. and yes, i've put him through some shit too. but it's like i can never stop loving him. when i think i'm my future, i think of him and all the joy a life together can bring. but when i look to my past, i see all the pain that our being together has caused. but i've always loved him...but he doesn't love me anymore." i said.

"what makes you think that?" madelyn asked.

"oh, just his words. he said he wasn't in love with me anymore." i said.

"i doubt that's true. he was probably hurt and wanted to hurt you." maddie said.

"but if he loved me, he wouldn't be able to do that." i said.

"i'll talk to him. i'm sure he just said it in the heat of the moment." maddie said.

"based on what you told us, it's obvious you have more feelings for rudy." madelyn said.

"but i also love drew, too." i stated, putting my head in my hands.

"i'm sure you do. but maybe you love him as a friend. your in love with rudy. you don't just love him." madelyn responded.

"i still don't know. i don't want to hurt drew." i said.

"i'm sure if you handle it right, he will understand." maddie said.

"but what am i handling? i still don't know whether i should let go and move on, or try again." i said.

"that's up to you. not them, not us, but you." maddie stated.


"i hate that i hurt her. her face when i said it is all i've been able to think about." i said. i was having a conversation with maddie.

"but despite it all, she still loves you." she said.

"and i love her. i love her so much." i said.

"but she loves drew now too. i think only as a friend, though." she said.

"i'm not the jealous type. or at least i didn't used to be. but when it comes to her..." i trailed off.

"with the right person, everyone becomes the jealous type." she said.

"what about us?" i asked her. she took a deep breath.

"whatever we had going on between us this past month, i think it's safe to say it isn't love or anything near what you and venice have. okay, so let's just drop it and move on for everyone's sake." she said.

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