l.w.m - chapter five: the love in the hate

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it had been a week since i left the house and i was staying at a hotel. the showrunners had called a team meeting and said i was required to come. i had spent the last week crying so i looked a mess. but i was nothing a few ice cubes and concealer couldn't fix.

i had fixed my long faux locs in a half up-half down style and took care of the puffiness that was my face. i put on an off the shoulder long sleeve black top and some baggy boyfriend jeans. it wasn't a lazy outfit but it wasn't a ton of effort. i just didn't want to look like how i feel.

when i got there, i opened the door and everyone turned their heads. they must of rode together. i sat down at the opposite end of the conference table. and the showrunners walked in. they sat down and took in the dynamic.

"what the hell is going on? why is your lawyer calling me talking about ending your contract. and why aren't you living with the others anymore?" one of them said.

"i feel as if my work is done here. i don't not feel comfortable sharing the same space or working with those people. this decision is for both me and your business. i aim to be as professional as possible with my proceedings. and i hope everything can run smoothly." i stated calmly and firmly.

"venice, why?  why is that? you guys were fine like two weeks ago." he said.

"i found out who they really were and where their loyalties lie. and simply decided i did not want to be around them. ask them if you're confused." i stated again. he turned to them expecting an answer.

"there was some drama with elan, rudy, and venice." maddie said.

"boy drama? you're potentially dead-ending your career over boy drama? you've got to be kidding me." he said.

"they have simplified the situation. there is a racist living in that house and they've befriended her. even after provided proof of who she was, they sided with her. so as far as i'm concerned, they're dead to me. as for my career, i'd rather end my career then know i was complacent in the enabling of a or multiple racists." i said.

"do you have this proof with you?" he asked. i nodded and airdropped it to him. he played the videos and wrote something down. the expression of his face was unreadable. like they knew something i didn't. like they knew who she was. i didn't want to believe that is what i saw.

"okay so after seeing the evidence we want to say: venice, we hear you and understand what you're saying. and i'm sorry about all of this. truly. but since she didn't say the slur...i don't think there is anything we can do about it." he said. it felt like a piercing pain had hurt my heart. it was like i was dying on an island and with a lifeboat passing by and looking at me. they knew who she was. they know how she is. and they didn't. care. 

"but she implied that is what she wanted to say! how could you look at that and tell me she meant to say anything else?" i said, slightly less calm.

"i know, i know. and we get it. but if we fire her based off of this, she could come back at us with a civil suit. one that she'd most likely win. i also can not terminate your contract based on this. i'm sorry. but as for the group dynamic, we need to figure this out. not only are you guys friends, your friendship is our brand. this falling out with be severely bad for business. people are already speculating on social media. " he said. tears brimmed my eyes. social media? social media? my emotions were consuming me alive slowly and you are talking about social media? 

"you guys...this is serious. why didn't you believe her?" he asked.

"because she's got that one pussy-whipped, that's why." i gestured to rudy with venom in my voice. i didn't care who i offended. i was angry and they were going to feel my anger. 

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