w.y - chapter five: unforgettable

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it had gotten late, and the power turned back on. we were all in our respective rooms. my mind was heavy on that kiss. that kiss...the best kiss i've ever had. i felt everything i've ever felt for anyone in that one kiss. it was electrifying. invigorating. it was like an awakening.

i'm glad we got our first kiss out of the way here. i don't think i could of gone through those emotions on set and still be in the right mindset to preform to my best ability. but damn that boy could kiss. i still have butterflies. i still feel him on my lips. i can't wait to kiss him again.

madison came into my room. she came over to my bed and sat down.

"hey what's up?" i asked. she looked at me with a smirk.

"what is going on between you and rudy?" she asked.

"what do you mean? we're just good friends." i said. she gave me a, 'why-the-fuck-you-lying?' look.

"girl, that kiss between y'all was intense. like y'all have been starving to kiss each other." she said.

"i-...we just have good chemistry. that's all." i said, knowing damn well that ain't true.

"girl you know damn well that ain't true." she chuckled. i laughed, it was like she read my mind.

"if i tell you something, do you promise not to say anything to anyone ever?" i asked.

"scout's honor." she said, holding up three fingers.

"i don't know, it just feels like we have this undeniable connection. maybe in another life we were together or something. i don't know. i just know when i kissed him, it felt like i was floating. he gives me butterflies and i can't think straight when he touches me. i've never ever felt like this about anyone. not even my first love. it's crazy." i explain.

"venice's got the crushie-wushies!" she teased. we laughed.

"oh stop, i explained it all to you for advice not to be bullied." i said.

"well, if i were in your position, i'd go for it. a dumbass could tell you guys were both feeling that kiss. rudy was in outer space after it the whole game. i think he feels the same way. i mean, you can't fake that much passion. i've been to weddings with less chemistry than i saw with you guys. you should totally go for it." madison said.

"um, my extreme social anxiety has entered the chat." i joked. hello, bitches. it's me! social anxiety. and you're watching venice's trainwreck on disney channel (*doo-doo, doo-doo*).

"i can feel my heart rate pick up just talking about him. and you want me to openly admit my feelings while looking him in the eye? hi, i'm venice. i don't think we've met yet, nice to meet you." i joked.

"well than work your way towards a relationship. take it slow. and when you're ready, take that leap into your faith." she said, jumping off the bed with jazz hands. we started cackling.

"yeah, i'll get enough courage to talk to rudy about my feelings for him in four lite years." i chuckled.

"we'll see about that. maybe you guys just need a bit of encouragement." she smiled deviously.

"maddie what does that mean?" i asked. she started to cackle as she pranced out of my room and shut the door. i swear if she tells him, i don't know what i'll do.

a few minutes later, there was a soft knock on my door. thinking madison had forgotten something, i said come in. the door opened, and rudy peaked his head through. instant butterflies.

"can i come in?" he asked. i sat up and nodded. he closed the door behind him and sat on my bed next to me. oh, god. did madison talk to him?

"everything okay?" i asked, sitting up in my bed.

"i need to talk to you." he said. my heart started to beat faster.

"yeah, sure. what do you need?" i asked.

"i've never been the emotional type. or the guy to express his feelings easily. i'm kind of like jj in that sense. i feel like if i keep my feelings down and tucked away, they'd eventually die off. suffocate." he started.

"yeah, i guess i'm like that too sometimes." i said.

"and i've never opened up to someone as quickly as i've opened up to you. maybe i'm growing, or maybe you're just a welcoming soul. i don't know. but i just know it has something to do with you." he continued.

"and that kiss in the living room, i don't know if you felt what i was feeling. i couldn't even tell you what i was feeling it was-." i cut him off.

"it was indescribable?" i asked, having felt that way too.

"exactly. it was absolutely perfectly indescribable. i literally felt our heart beats sync. and i've never felt that before. with anyone. and before the kiss, i keep feeling chemistry between us. i kept feeling a connection. when ever we were in the room together i felt so...electrified. it's so crazy. i'm rambling aren't i?" he asked.

"yes. a little bit," be bold. be b o l d. "but it's cute." i finished. i saw him turn red.

"so what are saying all of this to say?" i asked. he took a deep breath.

"i need to feel your lips on mine again. please."

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