w.y - chapter fourteen: a diamond in the rough

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i was nearly burnt alive. i was almost dead. rudy too. some racists tried to kill me. all of that happened, and rudy still hadn't asked me the fuck out. i know, i know. didn't you guys stop talking? didn't he kiss another girl at the halloween party?

yes. it was two days after the halloween party and rudy still hadn't come home. i wanted to ask the others if they have heard from him. but i couldn't. i told myself not the care. i told myself not to give a shit about this man anymore.

but my heart was still tied to him. no matter what i did. no matter what i thought. so i stared at his contact in my phone. my fingers itched to pick it up and text him. call him. i needed to hear his voice. when i was about to break, maddie came into my room.

"rudy wants us to meet him at this restaurant he found downtown. you wanna come?" she asked.

"sure, why not?" i said, nonchalantly. but inside, i was jumping up and down. i get to see my baby! fuck do you mean baby. he kissed another hoe. but he was drunk. you literally were on a ledge because you were drunk too. yeah but did i cheat on him? you said it yourself. it's not cheating because you aren't together. i don't care. i still want him to apologize. that shit broke me. yeah okay. and this gives him a chance to. so get in your best outfit and mend this so you can go back to being cool with him.

when i was finished arguing with myself in my head, i decided to get read. i straightened my hair and gave it wand curls. i put on a beige v-neck sweater with an open end, and a white furry sweater. i put on silver hoops and eyeliner and natural looking lashes. i wore flats.

right when i was about to grab my purse and leave i checked my phone. happy birthday texts had come in earlier from my parents and friends. i was so rapped up with rudy i didn't even realize it was my own damn birthday.

i quickly replied thank you to them all, grabbed my purse and left my room. i decided not to tell the others. i just want it to pass. honestly i don't even care. it was kind of a big birthday, but my head wasn't in the party mood. i've been drinking since i was sixteen anyways.

when we arrived at the restaurant (which was in a hotel), i started instantly keeping my eye out for rudy.

"right this way." the host said. he lead us to an elevator that took us to the roof, which was a private dining area that over looked the city. i was breathtaking. but i immediately forgot the city when i saw rudy standing there in formal wear. lawd hammercy-

"hey man! long time no see." jd greeted rudy. i couldn't make eye contact, or else i would have to resist the urge to kiss him.

"everyone sit." rudy asked. everyone took their seats, and of course, the last seat available to me was next to rudy.

"so how are you guys?" he asked. everyone responded and went off into side conversations. and i zoned out. he looks amazing. i know! that douche. right! the audacity!

"i brought us here to celebrate something now and something after dinner." rudy announced. i stared at the ground.

"we have a birthday...and miss ma'am didn't say anything." rudy said. i looked up and saw everyone look at me.

"venice! how could you! i have hours of videos to upload of you doing stupidness." madelyn playfully scolded.

"how old are you turning?" chase asked.

"twenty-one." i said. they all gasped, and it made me giggle a bit.

"this is cause for celebration! we need drinks." maddie said.

"and we're going ask them to bring a cake." jd said.

"no, guys, really it's okay. i'm fine." i said.

"nope, nope, nope! you get the day's worth of celebration in one dinner." chase said. i sighed defeatedly. i glared at rudy, but with a slight, nearly undetectable smile. he smiled back.

the dinner was fun. i ordered my first drink legally, and it was nasty. but rudy forced me to try his drink, and i think i'm in love. with what? rudy or the drink, venice? both.

most importantly, i had made it through dinner without saying a word to rudy. and i was going to end the night that way. until he started to talk to the group.

"you know how at the start of dinner i said we had two things to celebrate. well, i don't know if you guys have noticed, but venice and i have a thing for each other." rudy said. i nearly spit out his drink. 

"yeah, we've noticed." jd joked. my eyes were wide. the fuck is he doing?

"and the other day, we got into a fight because i hadn't asked her to be my girlfriend. and for the fight, i'm sorry venice..." he trailed off. i looked at the grown. i didn't want to acknowledge his apology in front of everyone.

"all my friends have been asking me, including you guys, when was i going to ask her to be my girlfriend? because i talk about her all the time, and because i look at her like she's the only thing in the world. the only one in the world. but i couldn't give you guys an answer." he said. i shifted in my seat. is he going to ask me out? here? now? today?

"it just didn't sit right with me. i mean, venice, you are the best thing that's happened to me. your the first thing i think about in the morning and that last thing at night. every thought i've had since i've met you has some how lead back to you. and i can't remember life without you." he said. i felt my skin burn. if i was white, i'd be blushing. i finally decided to make eye contact with him.

"so when we had our fight, i was like, 'why can't i just ask her to be my girlfriend?' and then it hit me. i couldn't ask you because boyfriend and girlfriend seems so temporary. i want to have a family with you. i want you to be the mother of my children. i want to grow old with you. i want you in my life forever." he stated, staring into my soul. where the hell is he going with th-.

he then got down one knee. my heart was pounding, rattling my rib cage. time had stopped. i couldn't process what was going on. everything was out of wack. the butterflies that only come out when he's around started acting up again.

"rudy-." i choked out. he pulled out a princess cut engagement ring. it caught the moon light beautifully. it shined like...well, a diamond. i gasped. what in fuck's name is he doing?

"so venice allivioux scarlett, will you marry me?" he finally said. i couldn't even think. words just came flying out my mouth.

"of course!" i said. he slid on the ring to my finger and then stood up. i went into to hug him but in the middle, he stopped and lead me to his lips.

"oh. my. god!" madelyn shrieked. they all started cheering as they came around to give us a group hug. when we separated, madelyn began to gush over my ring. maddie did too, but with less enthusiasm. i didn't know if i read her right, but i kind of saw what i thought was guilt on her face. but i shook it off. it was probably in my head.

"i booked us the penthouse for the night, you'll love it. i made sure the pre-stocked it with that ginger ale you like." rudy said. i was overwhelmed. so i began to cry. he engulfed me in a hug.

"i'm so so sorry i hurt you, venice. never again." he whispered. and boy, was he wrong.

A/N: heyyyy ❤️ i finally found the time to write. this week ended up being pretty productive for me. working through somethings ;) i hope you had a great week. and if you didn't, i hope this helps. remember you are loved, you are important, and you deserve the world. you're amazing, and will do great things. dm anytime, i will try to respond as fast as i can. i think the next chapter will be the thanksgiving special. so i'll see you then. i love you.

-karter ❤️

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