w.y - the holiday special pt.2

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when she walked out of the center...my mind was in a million places. who does he think he is? why are they sharing a hotel room together? what happened over those weeks we didn't talk? does she even love me anymore? i know she hasn't forgiven me yet? is she okay? should i go after her? should i call her? text her? does she have feelings for him? are they stronger than her feelings for me? did we move to fast? what would of happened if i had just asked her out sooner?

"was she okay?" madison asked from behind me.

"she just wanted to go back to the hotel." i said, still staring out the door.

"are you okay?" she asked. i looked at her.

"i just have so many questions. starting and ending with what the hell do we do now?" i asked.

"she'll come to you when she's ready. i know that." maddie said.

"and what if she doesn't. what if...she moves on with him? how am i supposed to go on?" i asked, near tears.

"you have me. you'll always have me, no matter what. okay?" maddie said. i gave her a hug.

"maybe you can talk to her tomorrow when we go ice skating?" she asked.

"maybe..." i whispered. i think back to the first time we went ice skating, where we shared our first kiss on the ice. the night she shared her darkest secret with me. the night she put her trust into me. i couldn't just let us go if it came down to it.


the next day, we were about to leave to go ice skating in central park. i was wearing a black long sleeve scoop neck shirt tucked into black ripped jeans, and an oversized black leather jacket. i wore a beanie over my straight black unit 28 inch (wig). and a bunch of layered necklaces.

your probably wondering what happened between drew and i after he told me what he did. the truth is, i did something. something i regret. something that i'll never forgive myself for. something that i can't even mention in my narration. we haven't spoken since we woke up, and it's been radio silent. it was killing me and it was killing him too.

"drew can we talk about this?" i asked.

"there is nothing to talk about." he said.

"please. don't be like that..." i said. he faced me.

"you've listened to me for the past month. you know-." he cut me off.

"i know. i'm sorry. i just-." i cut him off.

"i get it. more than you know. but i don't know what's going to happen. okay, so just-." he cut me off.

"you don't have to tell me. i know." he said.

"can we just pretend like everything is normal? at least for the trip?" i asked.

"of course." he said, coming closer. i swallowed in nervousness.

"but i can't act like i'm not not in love with you." he said.

"i wasn't going to ask you to." i said. he pulled me to him slowly and gently and then kissed my lips. and i hate to admit it but, i didn't think of rudy for those few seconds. but do i want to forget him? or do i want to forgive him?

"the corona virus has infected more people in china, the source unknown." the news anchor said on the t.v. i shut it off and grabbed my purse.

"let's go. and can we not do...whatever this is in front of rudy?" i asked. he nodded.

when we got to the rink, the others were lacing up.

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