w.y - chapter eight: the ice angel

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she's everything i think about. the sun reminds me of her. the moon reminds me of her. the stars definitely remind me of her. she's imperfectly perfect in the best way. she's the one person who i don't act crazy and goofy around.

venice has to be an angel in human form. there are no other words for it. when we're in the room, my heart starts shaking my rib cage. and the worst part is, she has no idea how much she effects me.

it was too cold to film, so we all decided to go to the ice skating rink. it simply put on some joggers, a long sleeve t-shirt, and a winter vest. and a beanie with a puff on top. we were all waiting downstairs for the girls. when they turned the corner to come downstairs, my eyes locked with venice.

she was wearing a thin white shirt with a black overall skirt and a brown corduroy jacket with a fur collar. she had on fish nets and platform doc martens. her hair was in a low ponytail. her dark skin was glowing.

"have you ever been ice skating?" madelyn asked.

"i'm pretty good if i do say so myself." venice joked. she laughed that cute little laugh.

"that makes two of us all." madison said.

"rudy is pretty good, too." she said. venice and i locked eyes again.

"you'll help me lead the group then?" venice said, half-jokingly. i'll go anywhere you want me too.

"...um, thanks." venice said, seemingly embarrassed. did i...no i fucking didn't. holy shit did i say that out loud? i-

"let's go, shall we?" jonathan said, opening the door. why in god's name would you say that out loud?


we were strapping up (i was staring at venice strap up while mindlessly strapping up my self) when chase slid next to me.

"bro, just ask her out. you literally head over heels for her. what's the worst that can happen? you literally drooling." he said, with a chuckle.

"no i'm n-..." i was cut off when venice started gliding on the ice. she was a graceful swan, taking the rink as her own. she switched from skating forwards to skating backwards as she came around the corner we were at. her nose was tinted red and she gave me a little wave a warm half smile as she slid by. my heart was consumed by butterflies.

"you're not what?" chase asked, tauntingly. i playfully punched him.

"she'd never say yes. there is too many complications." i said.

"fuck that. if she's what you really want man, then go for it. you guys are literally twin flames." chase said. he then realized he said "twin flames".

"i've been hanging around venice too much. she's has me talking like an astrologist." chase said.

"she has the affect on you." i said, standing up.

"no, she has that affect you." he said. venice was coming around again.

"now go get her." chase said as he pushed me into the rink right when venice was coming around. she grabbed on to me as i got my balance, since i was skating backwards. he slowed to a stop on the side of the rink.

"are you okay?" she asked. i nodded, ignoring the fact every molecule in my body wanted place my lips on her slightly red cute nose. the lights dimmed and a protector projected blue snowflakes over the rink.

"what does that mean?" she asked. she turned around as couples entered the rink.

"oh." she said, fiddling with her hair tie she took out. ask her to skate rudy. come on.

"d-do you want to skate?" i asked. she nodded. young and beautiful by lana del rey started playing as we joined hands and began to skate. the orchestral sound started to swell throughout the rink as we got into a glide.

her hair was starting fly behind her, as she let out an electrifying laugh. she grabbed my other hand and she was skating backwards as i was skating forwards. her hair coming forward. she hung her head back and she laughed again. it was a beautiful sight.

when the chorus came in, i pulled her in so wear we were holding each others' waist as we skate. we navigated the rink perfectly, even though our eyes were locked into each other. everything around me went dark. it was only her and i, skating. i couldn't even hear anything but the music and our skates.

"will you still love me when i've got nothing but my aching soul?"

yes. i will. i will love you until the day the light goes out in my eyes because you, venice, make me feel alive. she reached out to put her hand on my cheek, her hand being warm and soft despite being in a ice rink.

as the song was coming to an end, we started spinning in circles, lost in each others eyes. i keep looking at her soft pink lips and we continued to skate in circles. she looked at mine and then on a leap of faith, i crashed my lips into hers as we slowed to a stop. her lips were slightly chapped, but in an addicting way. what began was a tiny warm feeling in my heart spread throughout my body. if felt like my body had been lit on fire with nothing but passion.

when we separated, we realized we had spun into the middle of the rink, and everyone was watching us.

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