w.y - chapter two: the eyes of one

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after a long day of filming, everyone agreed to get dinner and hangout. we were going out for dinner, and of course i had absolutely nothing to wear. it's been a couple weeks since the hide-and-seek game. rudy and i won of course. i had been making strides in breaking out of my shell.

i'm really warming up to the cast and they seem to really like me. i'm like the complete opposite of them, and i think they like the fact i'm different. back to finding something to wear. i walked into madison's room. she has her long curly hair slicked back into a low ponytail. she was wearing a black sleeveless body con mini dress with white slide on sleeves.

"this is a formal dinner?" i asked, looking at her.

"it's at this really fancy restaurant. did we forget to tell you?" madison said, her face ridden with guilt.

"yeah, but it's fine. i'll find something." i said.

"i can help you find something to wear if you'd like." madison said.

"sure, yeah. i'd like that." i said. i probably would be lost without her.

"great. i'll be over in your room with some options." she smiled. i smiled and walked out. the cast was nothing but nice to me and i'm glad everything is working out, and i'm not disappointing them anymore. madison showed up in my room her hands filled with clothes.

"okay, so here are the options!" she said, spreading the items out.

"we have business-classy," she said, laying out a midnight blue blazer set with a black tank top.

"we have fashion-forward," she said, laying out a black long sleeve top, a brown mini skirt, and a belt.

"and we have flirty and simple!" she beamed.

"you named all the outfits?" i chuckled.

"more like categorized...but do you like them? i tried to match them to your brooding style." she chuckled. i dramatically put my hand to my chest in fake hurt.

"ouch." i said, very dramatically. we both laughed.

"i think i like the last one." i said, pointing to the outfit.

"alright! she shoots, she scores! i'll leave to get dressed. we leave in thirty minutes." she smiled.

"thank you. i appreciate it." i said. she smiled and walked out. i looked at the outfit. here goes nothing.

the group was waiting downstairs for me. i was, once again, mustering up the courage to face them. i felt ugly in the outfit i was wearing. i had on a black silk camisole with a lace collar, and navy blue flowy dress pants with pockets and with a same color belt attached. i was wearing pointed flats with silver tips. i was wearing dainty silver necklaces and my passion twists were in a high ponytail with two front pieces.

you look fine, venice. you look fine. they are waiting and you're holding them up. don't take steps back. only. move. forward. with a deep breath, i stepped down the stairs. when i got down there, they all turned around.

"oh. my. god." madison exclaimed. madelyn squealed.

"you look great, girlie. your skin is actually glowing." madison said. that's a relief. maybe i do sike myself out.

"we all set?" chase asked. i put my thumbs up. i felt eyes on me. but jonathan, chase, madison, and madelyn were already in front of me. so the only person it could be was-.

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