w.y - chapter thirteen: the awakening

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i patiently waited in venice's room. it had been four days since since the fire. the nurses at the hospital are the sweetest. venice's nurse put my bed in her room, and kept bringing me food. she understood how i felt. she always made sure venice and i are comfortable.

"any stirring, sugar?" miss mable, venice's nurse asked. she was a older black woman who had a southern accent and would always call me sugar and venice, honey. the nicest women on earth. she gave me lunch, which was fried chicken, mac-n-cheese, greens, and biscuits. venice would love this if she were awake.

the doctor came in. he was a tall black man in his early 60's, who when he's not busy, tells me about his time as a black panther and his time at protests with his father. he's also traveled the world. i think he likes miss mable. and she likes him. they should retire and travel the world together. i wanna do that with venice so bad.

"she's doing okay. her vitals are fine, and she should be waking up soon. the  only reason she isn't up is because that stupid hospital in that racist town put something in her drip." the doctor said.

"i will kill whoever did this to her if i get the chance." i said.

"don't say that, son. they want you to have as much hate in their heart as they do, so they don't feel alone. if you start to hate like them, they win. don't let them win." the doctor said to me. i nodded.

"i'll be back tonight. call miss mable if you need anything." he said as he walked out.

i walked over to venice. she looked frail, sick, but somehow, beautiful. i stroked her hair as she laid there.

"venice, i don't know if you can hear me but, i want you to know that i love you. and i am right here. i won't let anything happen to you. i'll protect you until the end of my life, baby. and when you wake up, and everything has been sorted out with filming, we'll take a year away. and travel." i started.

"i can see it. us in italy, wine tasting as the sun set. or us on the beaches on jamaica, kissing in the moon light. or us spending christmas in the swiss alps in a little village, dancing to old christmas songs in a candle lit room. or us on a safari in the serengeti. or us, skating in the huge ice rink in moscow. or us, surfing in hawaii. or us, spending new years in new york. me holding you on the eiffel tower with the win blowing through your hair, smiling. me getting down on one knee in front of the big ben..." i trailed off. i felt my eyes start to well up.

"i'll wait for you. however long it takes. just please, come back to me venice." i cried. i laid my head on her lap as a let tears seep into her blanket. i had never been has depressed as i was then. venice came into my life, and swept me off my feet. and i couldn't let her go. not now.

i was deep in my own sorrow when a hand weakly touched my head. i shoe up.

"i've always wanted to go to paris." venice said softly as she smiled at me.

"oh my god! venice!" i cried, and i hugged her.

"you're awake! are you okay? i'll get the doctor." i said. she nodded. i ran to the hallway.

"miss mable! she's awake!" i cried. miss mable rushed in.

"how are you, honey?" she asked venice.

"i'm good, ma'am." venice said. she checked her charts and the doctor came in.

"miss scarlet! you're awake. any pain? headaches?" he asked.

"i feel light...bodied. like i'm lighter than i am." she said.

"that's common with the drug your on." he said.

"i'll be back with some prescriptions. miss mable will get you something to eat." he said.

"i sure am glad you're awake, honey. the way your baby has been gushin' about you...you ought to be something special." miss mable smiled. venice looked at me.

"you've been gushing about me?" she asked, with hope in her voice.

"of course. how could i not?" i asked. miss mable left to get her some food.

"i'll call the others. they have been worried about you." i said.

"before you do that, i want to spend some time with you...alone. push your bed over here." venice said. i pushed my bed next to hers and got in. we started cuddling.

"life's too short to worry about the things we can't control. i love you. you love me. i don't want to waste one more second." venice said. she reached up and kissed my lips slightly.

"i love you." she said, looking up at me.

"i love you, too."

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