w.y - chapter seven: the stars, the moon, and the sun

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we were back at the house. there was no filming today. it was about one in the afternoon, and i sat out on the balcony of my room. the balcony overlooked the woods. the trees were taller than the house, making me feel secluded. i was reading a book from the local library, a random story i picked up because the main character was just like santaclara. i thought i could draw inspiration from her actions and thoughts.

the book was propped up on the table as i followed along with a deep sea green pen. when the sun hit the pen just right, the whole page looked like it was beneath the surface of a sea. the color reminded me of rudy's eyes, and his personality. calming, relaxing, safe.

the way the light bursted through the pen making the pages it's color, reminded me of how rudy spreads his light making anyone sad, happy. i didn't want to hide my feelings. but he only wanted to be friends. so i had too. my thoughts were interrupted with a soft tap on the glass door to the balcony. it was madison.

"hey. we're all going to the old greenemen science center. do you want to come?" she asked.

"a science center? why?" i asked, sitting up.

"it's really awesome. they have a aquarium, planetarium, a botanical garden, an escape room...science center is just in the name. you have to call ahead. and the owner told us no one is coming in today, so we'll have the entire place to ourselves." madison explained.

"that actually sounds...fun. count me in." i smiled.

"yes!" she hissed and she turned to leave. i chuckled.

"we're leaving in an hour." she said, half way out my room. a planetarium, an aquarium? sounds the perfect place to get my mind off things.

i ended up wearing a t-shirt dress with tupac on it and a silver cross chain. my hair was in a half up, half down with a bun on top, and i wore high socks and nike air force's. wooh chile, the basic. i gave my self a cat eye and a burgundy eye look. and i lined my lips with brown liner and topped them off with clear gloss. i was done right when i heard them crew jogging down the stairs. i grabbed my phone and purse, and joined them.

the science center was amazing. a fee seconds in it was probably my favorite place on earth. the whole center smelt like old books and sweet coffee. it was dark, with only a little light. each hallway had it's own color scheme. i wanted my house to look like this.

"where to first?" jonathan asked the group.

"chase and i want to go to the aquarium first!" madelyn said.

"i was gonna get a frappe-chino. they've been calling my name since i've stepped in." jonathan said.

"me too. i've been craving one since last time." madison added. jonathan and madison walked towards the coffee shop. i turned to join chase and madelyn but they were long gone. leaving rudy and i standing there. awkward silence ate us up.

"do you wanna see something cool?" rudy asked me finally.

"sure." i said. he grabbed my hand. my stomach did a backflip. i think he felt whatever i did, because he hesitated. and then he lead me off, deeper into the center. we were walking for what seemed like forever when i spoke up.

"where are we going?" i asked. he chuckled.

"you'll like it, trust me." he said. we kept going and finally we stopped a door at the end of a secluded hallway. he opened it up and revealed a huge rotunda. the ceiling was black, and the building consisted off old books. i think its a library. my mouth dropped. it was so beautiful.

"wait, you haven't seen the best part yet." he said. he walked over to a switch on the wall and flipped it. automatically on the ceiling, there were constellations rotating.

"is this the planetarium?" i asked, in awe.

"no, this is an old library. no one uses it anymore. it's kind of dusty, but i love it. every time we'd go here last season, i'd come here." he explained.

we walked towards the center and sat down on the floor.

"how'd you find it? how are you always finding remote areas?" i chuckled, look around.

"i guess i like uncharted territory." he said, as we made eye contact. we kept the eye contact until he laid on his back. i laid next to him. we were staring up at the sky, and i couldn't help but wish we could stay like this forever.

"you're a scorpio, right?" he asked me.

"yes, i am." i responded. he pointed to a constellation.

"there's scorpius. the constellation for scorpio." he said.

"what about you? what's your sign?" i asked.

"i'm a leo." he said. i raised my eyebrows.

"that makes a lot of sense now." i said.

"why?" he asked. i thought about what i knew about leos.

"you're determined. warmhearted. brave and loyal." i explained.

"do scorpios and leos make good friends?" he asked.

"they're both passionate, and strongly possessive of one another. but together, are two of the most powerful signs in the zodiac." i explain. it's now or never. tell him how you feel.

"i just want to say...on set the other day...my delivery on that 'i love you' was so good b-because..." i stopped myself. he was looked at me now. finish it out. follow through. you can do-

"nevermind." i said. stupid, stupid, stupid. you dumb bitch. you're so weak. "most powerful signs" my ass.

"sometimes i wish i could just say what i feel. maybe i wouldn't be so trapped in this box if i did." rudy said.

"you can say what you feel to me? who am i to judge?" i said.

"i wish i could. you don't know how much i want to." he said.

"do it. nothing you can ever say will make me hate you." i reassured, grabbed his hand subconsciously. i felt a spark again. nothing new. silence filled between us. again. nothing new.

"i meant what i said on your bed the other day. every last word." rudy finally said. my breathing hitched. did he just...he did.

"god, rudy." i said, putting my hands on my head.

"what?" he said with nervousness and alarm in his voice.

"why couldn't you tell me this then? i have spent the past weeks thinking you regretting everything! thinking you didn't feel the way i did." i said.

"you feel the same way?" he asked in shock.

"rudy that's what i was trying to tell you. that i wasn't acting when i said i love you, that i meant it. that every time we have kissed i've felt like i was floating? like nothing could hurt
me? this whole time-..." i cut myself off. he grabs my hand.

"let's just stay in this moment. i don't know if i'll ever get the courage to hold your hand and talk to you about how i feel again. and i just want to soak this in." rudy said. i squeezed his hand.

if we never talk about this again, i'd be both relieved and heartbroken. because you're the only person that has gotten me to feel something in a while.

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