l.t.f.i - chapter nine: picture this...

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~two months later~


the plane ride to charleston was much needed. it was the first time i've been on a plane since covid. it felt fun traveling again. traveling the world has always been a dream of mine. and although i haven't gotten to do that, when i do, i'll be happy. after covid, of course.

venice flew in the seat next to me. and we both had a blast on the plane with each other. she'd been trying to get me to watch pretty little liars with her for the longest. but i'd always slip away right around the time that girl in the plaid sweater says that she's looked everywhere.

but since i was on a plane, i couldn't escape. turns out, it's actually pretty interesting. i'll probably watch it secretly behind her back. can't let her known she successfully put me on something. we had this game to see who can put each other onto more stuff. and venice being venice, she was winning. this was a notch on her belt that i could not let her have.

since we chose a later flight, everyone had already gotten there. we arrived in the evening, right before sunset. the table read was the next day. so the group wanted to have a little get together and catch up that night. we were renting apartments in the same building so we could easily visit.

venice and i simply set our things down in our place and made our way to chase and madelyn's. venice knocked on the door, and we could hear music pouring out from the apartment. chase opened the door.

"hey broskis." he said. we laughed and walked in.

"chase you hair is like a mop. cut that shit bro." venice said. 

"cut my luxurious locks? never." chase said as he had an goofy offended look on his face.

"it becomes a problem when he has more hair products then me." madelyn said, coming from around the back on the apartment.

"hey boo." venice said, hugging her. when they separated madelyn inspected her.

"are you okay? haven't seen you since the accident." she said.

"i'm fine. it's like it never happened." venice said.

"hey immanuel." madelyn said. i rolled my eyes playfully.

"hello madelyn." i said back. madison shut the bathroom door and walked out.

"oh my gosh, hey girl." she said, giving her a hug.

"are you okay? all good? nothing limbs missing?" she asked.

"girl, bye." venice laughed. she was in her element, and i was happy for her.

"rudyard." she said, addressing me. i reached to hug her. and then she came out from the back of the apartment. and i froze.

"what's wrong, rudy?" madison asked. i shook my head.

"nothing." i said. my mouth was dry, my mind running wild. what is she doing here? if venice sees her-.


rudy started acting weird when that girl came out. but why? she looks familiar. she had a dust brown hair color, and obviously spray tanned skin. she looked at me with this artificial smile.

"oh! you two haven't met. venice, this is elan. she works on set. elan, i'm sure you know venice." madelyn said.

"yes, nice to meet you finally. i've heard so much." she said. elan...as in-.

"nice to meet you too." i said, in the most fake cheery/peppy voice i had. i could tell on his face rudy was nervous. yeah you better be.

"we have food on the counter it you guys want some." chase said.

"where's drewbear? i miss him." elan said. bitch-.

"he is flying in in the morning. he's in north carolina with his family." rudy explained.

"i guess i'll have to hang out with you, ew." elan said in a joking tone.

"so i wanna know all about you venice. like...what did you do for valentines day?" she said. her face said 'happy' but her eyes were challenging me.

"um, i ate chocolate and minded my business. you?" i asked with a calm tone with challenging undertones.

"oh i went on a date with this special guy. so sweet. and he was caring. you'd like him." she smiled.

"how do you know? we just met." i said, daring her to say something out of pocket.

"you seem nice and very trusting. you seem like the kind of person who believes in people a lot, even when they're rude or don't deserve it or liars---that's just an impression though." she said.

"really? that's sweet. you seem like an understanding person. like you'd understand someone's need to do something even if it hurt you or even made you look bad. and you seem like you're generous and like to share." i said, with a pageant winning smile.

"i love how you guys are best friends already!" madelyn smiled.

"yeah it's like i know her already." she said.

"right. like i know what she's about already. filming is going to be fun." i said.
fun indeed.

a/n: oop! gotcha again with a short filler because why not. we like to keep the kids fed over here. anyways, enjoy the chapter. and once again: this is a fictional story. the only thing this story takes from real life is the show, outerbanks, itself and a few of the cast members. but everything else including what the characters do, is fictional and did NOT happen in real life. any of the made up characters are NOT based on real people.
okay, peace. happy easter to those celebrating 🥳

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