l.t.f.i - final chapter: two wrongs making a right

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venice had stormed off after yelling at elan, leaving me in the room with the others.

"we'll go talk to her." madelyn said, grabbing madison and going after her.

"was that all about elan? is venice jealous?" jd asked.

"yes! and i don't know why. i don't know how many times i can keep proving i love her and only her." i expressed.

"well if she's feeling insecure, there is probably a reason. venice isn't the type to fly off the handle at the drop of a hat. so what happened that made her suspicious?" chase asked.

"when she came upstairs, elan jumped off my bed and she was wearing my hoodie and so venice took that and ran." i explained.

"why did she jump? y'all were doing anything right?" jd asked.

"no! she said it's because she scares easily." i answered.

"we were all watching a horror movie last night. and she did not jump or scream once." chase spoke.

"yeah i even tried to scare her. she didn't budge. maybe...venice was on to something." jd said. i thought about it. and then i sat down in my bed, my head in my hands.

"and i heard venice say you guys went out for valentines day. is that true?" chase asked.

"only because she was going out with drew and i got jealous." i said.

"okay and when is the last time she has talked to drew?" he asked.

"two weeks ago." i responded, slowly realizing what's going on.

"so she keeps it respectful with him even though he is her best friend because she is considering how you might feel. so why can you do that for her?" jd asked.

"it's not like her points are invalid. you did have a thing with elan. imagine how she feels." chase said.

"i'm such an asshole. i can't keep fucking up and letting her down. we gotta figure this shit out." i said. i got up to find her.

"maybe let her cool off? the situation is still fresh." jd suggested.

"right...i'm gonna go somewhere to clear my head." i said. i leave and walk out the door. as i leave the house, i see venice talking with the girls in tears. i pretend not to see and walk the opposite direction.


"girl what was that?" madelyn asked me, as we sat down on the bench outside the house.

"i don't even know. it's like we finally get back into our old groove after this mess of a year, and then this. i can't fucking win." i said, tears brimming in my eyes.

"but you know he loves you. you're all he talks about. don't give elan the satisfaction of ruining your relationship." madison said.

"she already has. she had ruined before it even started, i just didn't know it." i said.

"it's not ruined. if you didn't care and if rudy didn't care, y'all wouldn't be arguing. you obviously feel strongly about your loyalty to each other." madelyn said. i heard the front door slam and rudy walk in the opposite direction. i started to cry harder.

"i don't want to lose him but it feels like nothing can be fixed." i cried.

"anything can be fixed. trust me. and if anyone can do it, it's you two. but you'll never know if you don't try." madison said.

"i wish it were that simple. but there are thing y'all don't know about..." i trailed off.

"we don't know all the details but we don't need to at this point. the only way y'all can get back to what you once were is by figuring out together. or if you really want to end it...be upfront about it." madelyn explained.

"either way, doing nothing will help no one." madison added. i nodded and got up. i headed the direction rudy was going. he headed towards the wooded area of the backyard where the coy pond was. he was sitting on the bench, looking up at the sky.

i took a seat beside him and looked up as well.

"it feels like we've been here before." i said quietly.

"it seems like we always end up here." he responded.

"so what does that mean?" i asked, looking at him. he was still looking at the sky.

"i'm sorry i blew up on you. you didn't deserve that." he said.

"yeah. you didn't either." i added. i resumed looking up. we sat in silence for a good minute.

"if i ask you something, promise not to read into it?" he asked.

"promise." i uttered, my mind racing with thoughts.

"why does that fact elan could exist in our circle bother you so much? even though she's history?" he asked. i took a second to  process his words.

"i've been losing to girls like her my entire life. girls who are always in the right place at the right time by chance, when people like me have had to work for it. girls who will always be the standard, will never have to prove themselves. and then to find out you guys were together at one point made me second guess everything. it still does." i responded. silence.

"but it's not a competition. we are already together." he said.

"in theory...but i know you. you aren't afraid to take a leap of faith if you think what you're leaping towards is right. and i guess i'm afraid that...one day you'll think she's right. for you. again." i explained.

"it's not some far fetched theory. i have a very real picture about what that looks like in my mind." i added.

"i love you. i really do. but i don't know how to prove it to you and you clearly don't believe me if you think i could do such a thing." he said.

"so what if...what if we are just meant to be friends?" he asked quietly. my heart dropped to my stomach. i looked at him.

"y-you...you want to break up?" i choked out.

"something isn't working here. i don't know what it is. and why waste our time when we both can be happy some other way." he explained.

"so you think...this was a waste of time. our relationship." i said lowly, holding myself together.

"did either of us end up happy in the long run?" he asked. i let a tear fall.

"i thought we were...happy." i spoke, ky voice wavering.

"at times, yes. but let's be real here. this relationship has done way more harm to each other than good. and i love you too much to watch you be unhappy." he said. the lump in my throat stopped me front talking. so i slowly got up and began to walk back.

"venice!" he called out to me. i stopped in my tracks and quickly wiped my tears. i slowly turned around.

"you deserve someone who makes you happier than you've ever been." he said. i let the remaining tears fall.

"that's what i had." i choked out, and turned around. they say heart break isn't only emotional pain, but everything in me hurt. i don't think it ever stopped hurting from that day. but these things never stop hurting. you only find a new emotion to drown it out to where you don't notice it. and that's exactly...what i did.

a/n: hey besties! before you jump down my throat, THIS IS NOT FINAL CHAPTER OF THIS BOOK. this is just the end of part 2. the final part, "l.w.m" will be out soon. and i will be posting the prequel for it after this. love you <3

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