w.y - chapter four: the love before the storm

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we had just finished another day of filming. we couldn't go out, it was pouring rain again. the cable went out, and so did the power. we all decided to huddle in the living room and entertain each other. we were all lighting candles.

"we should play a game of truth or dare." i suggested.

"that would be fun." madison agreed. we all sat in a circle.

"i'll start. cline, truth or dare." chase said. we all raised our eyebrows. it's not secret chase and madelyn have chemistry. on screen and off. i think they like each other. madison thinks so too, but we've only discussed it amongst ourselves.

"truth." madelyn stated. chase thought about it for a second.

"have you ever had feelings for a cast mate?" he asked. she blushed. madison and i exchanged looks.

"maybe, maybe not." madelyn smirked.

"uh-uh, a definite answer. yes or no." chase said.

"uh, fine. whatever. yes, i have." she said.

"oop." madison said. her and i start giggling.

"oh what's so funny? fine, venice truth or dare." madelyn said. i froze.

"i-...um...tru-...no, dare." i said. she couldn't ask me anything on a dare, i thought.

"okay. i dare you to tell us which guy here you find the most attractive." madelyn smirked. she. didn't. well, she doesn't know about my feelings for rudy. no one did. but what am i supposed to say? i can't say chase just to cover my ass. he and madelyn obviously had something going on. that would make things awkward. and i love jonathan as a best friend. he's too sweet, and i couldn't lie about seeing him that way, so my only option would be to tell the truth. or avoid it? maybe...

"i-...i can't choose. they're all nice." i said.

"okay but if you had to." madelyn said. it's no big deal, just say it. make it seem like a joke. just get them off your back. just say it.

"well i guess i have to choose my on screen lover." i laughed, pretending like it was a joke. i ruffled rudy's hair. he just looked at me with a unreadable expression. my stomach started feeling butterflies again. this boy seriously doesn't know the affect he has on me. the group shared a light laugh with each other, well the group minus rudy and i. we were still looking at each other. his eyes were asking me, 'is that the truth?'. and my eyes tried to tell him, 'you literally give me butterflies.' i think he got the message, because then placed his hand on my leg and smiled. i tried to think straight.

"u-um, madison truth or dare." i asked.

"dare." she smiled. i tried to clear my head and think of something.

"i dare you to lick the floor." i finally said.

"easy, breezy," she paused to lick the floor. she sat back down and flipped her hair.

"cover girl." she finished. we all busted out laughing.

"you're such a goof ball." i said in between laughs.

"okay, rudy truth or dare." madison asked.

"well these dares are mighty interesting. so dare." he answered.

"i dare you to kiss whoever my water bottle lands on." she said. my stomach twisted. what if it landed on madelyn or madison? and started to develop feelings for them? and then another question came to mind. an even scarier question. what if it landed on me? i was so deep in thought, i didn't realize the bottle was already spinning. my heart was thumping out my chest. i could hear it in my ears. the bottle started to slow. no. it was almost stopped. no. it finally completely stopped. god, no.

"oop, venice it is! might as well practice for them scenes." madison said. black dots started to appear in my vision. i had turned to face rudy. my heart was rattling my ribcage. i felt cold all over. you haven't felt this way since-.

"are you okay with that, venice?" he asked.

"i-...yes." i said. he nodded. he stood up onto his knees, and pulled me up to my knees as well.

"ready?" he asked. no. i nodded in agreement. he looked at my lips, then back to my eyes. i couldn't stop looking in his eyes. i think he could tell i was scared. he took my into his hands. he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. i was shaking in his hands.

"i won't hurt you." he said, so softly we could hear it. the closer i got to him the more i felt like i was being pulled into him like a magnet. my heart beat with deafening. the butterflies in my stomach were almost crippling. he put his hand on my cheek. it's happening. it's fucking happening. he leaned in. everything was going on in slow motion. we inched closer, and i could smell his scent. i closed my eyes. finally, our lips connected and passion exploded within me. if felt like something so lovely was tearing me apart from the inside out. it was beautiful madness. his lips felt like a safe haven. his hands felt like a shield, protecting me. they fit perfectly into mine. it's cliche, but it felt fireworks. all the chemistry that we've had lead up to this moment. i felt a tear slip out of my eye. it was such an indescribable feeling. we were still kissing and i already missed the feeling of him.

"damn, slow down there." madelyn joked. for some reason, we didn't stop. it was the most i've felt in a long time. all these emotions hitting me at once. a couple months. i've only known this man for a couple months and kissing him felt like home. kissing him felt like medicine. kissing him felt like paradise. kissing him felt like he was who i'm meant to be with. dramatic, i know. we finally seperated. my lips reached out for him again, but i stopped myself. we locked eyes again, his hands still on my waist. i could see it in his eyes. he knew. i knew. we both knew, we weren't meant to find each other.

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