l.w.m - chapter four: there is no art to this war

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i decided to confront elan one last time before i started my war path. i needed tot make sure she wanted the smoke that came with it. i wanted to make sure she understood that i would stop at nothing. i texted her to meet me outside on the patio of the house. the patio was rarely used, but well lit. i wished we used it more. i was waiting for her out there in the patio chair facing away from the. i didn't know if she was going to come. but when the door creaked, i knew she had come outside. i smirked to myself.

"you gave a good performance. you sure you're not an actress?" i asked in a low tone. she looks at me with a dirty look.

"what do you want? why'd you call me here?" she responded. i took a step closer and she backed up.

"i wanted to make sure that you were really sure about what you started when you lied back there." i stated.

"lie? what lie?" she said, with a grin on her face. i let out a laugh. it kind of took her back. i could tell she was uneasy.

"elan. it's just us. no need to put up a front. unlike the others, i know exactly who you are." i responded.

"i told you not to underestimate me. i told you that i could do some damage. and you didn't believe me. and now look. everyone thinks you're a violent mess." she said.

"they only think that because you lied on me." i stated firmly. she chuckled lowly and rolled her eyes.

"yeah...and? kill or be killed." she said. then i just smiled. she looked at with a strange look. then i walked up to her.

"thank you." i said. she looked confused. and i started laughing. she rolled her eyes and walked to go inside. i walked back to where i was before she got here. before she could go back, her phone went off. she looked at it, and then the video i had just sent to the groupchat of our conversation went.

"now they'll see who you really are." i said, and i sent the groupchat a message attached to it saying, "fuck y'all for not believing me. don't talk to me ever again". then the groupchat started to go off. they were shocked. the only person i didn't see respond was rudy. but at that point i didn't care. the others could tell him if he wasn't by his phone. and if he was and couldn't come up with a response, good. serves him right for not believing me.

"you bitch! you'll pay for this you little-..." she stopped herself. i raised my eyebrows in amusement.

"say it. i dare you." i said firmly with a low voice. she gave me a death stare for a second and then responded.

"i don't have to. you already know what i mean." she growled. then her phone went off again. i smirked.

"part two." i smiled. she looked mortified. she then ran inside. everyone was gathering the in the living room.

"elan what is the meaning of this?" they asked.

"i can explain everything. i promise." she pleaded.

"let's see you weave your way out of this one." i muttered under my breath.

"she pressured me into saying that! she said if i didn't, she'd hurt you guys." she fake cried.

"now you know damn well i wouldn't do that. you said all of that shit all on your own. you've always been a horrible, rude, conniving bitch. but only to me. i had to catch you in action to prove it. and now i have." i stated.

"you guys heard it just as much as i did. and you saw when the recording started. i didn't turn it on when she started to say what she did. it was on since before she even came out. no where in that video do you see him making her do anything." i continued.

"you must of edited it out." she cried. i rolled my eyes.

"now do you guys believe me? i've been saying since day one she was shady. and now i have proof." i said. they looked uneasy.

"wait-...please tell me you don't believe the lie this bitch just pulled out of her ass..." i said.

"i don't know who to believe..." j.d admitted.

"are you kidding me? i trick her into showing y'all her true self, and then she comes in with a sob story and y'all doubt my physical actual proof?" i screamed. they were silent.

"oh my gosh! this is actually fucking insane. this woman could literally nearly call me a slur and y'all would still believe the bullshit that comes out of her mouth. after everything. after everything we've been through. and y'all believe her over proof. unbelievable." i shouted. i walked away. i went to my room and frantically started packing my stuff up.

i threw everything in bags and suitcases. i cleared out my room and marched my stuff downstairs.

"woah what are you doing?" chase asked. i ignored him and went to the kitchen to grab my kitchen utensils. they all followed me.

"come on, venice. don't leave." maddie said.

"tell them i quit. i'm done." i said. they gasped.

"don't be like that venice-." rudy started. i cut him off.

"be like what? what?! if you expect me to continue to work with and live in a house with people who believe a racist, lying, deceitful bitch over me, you're crazier than i thought. it's over. consider any friendship we've had done. loose my number and never. ever. contact. me. again. i hope she was worth it." i said.

i grabbed my stuff, got in my car and drove off. and that was the last time i stayed in that house. i didn't know where i was going. i just had to leave. tears clouded my vision and it was hard to see. but i kept going. i had to get away.

a/n: heyyyyy besties! this book is getting harder and harder to write. i've just lost interest in it. ill finish it but don't expect a lot of updates and quality chapters. i also start school in two weeks. i want to cry. so definitely expect less updates. enjoy and ill see you next time 🤪 piece love and pixie dust 💖

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