w.y - chapter one: hide and you shall seek

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living in a mansion with several close-to-strangers is kind of weird to say the least. i don't want it to be, but i'm an introvert (even though i'm an actress). and these were the most outgoing people i've ever seen.

i can tell that i put a damper on their moods. for example, last week, they all wanted to dress up in each other's clothes and make videos. they needed an even amount of people to do it though, and i wasn't comfortable with it. so they couldn't do it. they were so sad, i felt terrible. i even tried to talk myself into it. but i couldn't.

i think they are growing to hate me. i'm never comfortable enough to do anything, and i barely talk to them. i want to be involved and i want to have fun. but my shyness will forever be the death of me. but it seems like they haven't picked up on me being shy yet, and are still asking me to do stuff. and that's where we are right now.

they all looked at me, waiting for my decision. chase had suggested that we play hide-and-seek in the dark. they thought it would be fun since there is a major storm outside and the clouds made everything pitch black. i was afraid of the dark, but i was also afraid of saying no. i opened my mouth to say something, anything. you're afraid of the dark, stupid. you're also afraid they don't like you, idiot. this is a creepy old mansion, you don't know what the hell is lurking here. in the end, i finally said,

"yes." the group cheered as thunder roared in the sky. rudy picked me up and spun me around and madison and madelyn grabbed my hand and started jumping in a circle. chase and jonathan high-fived me and then chess bumped. i chuckled at the entire scene.

"this is going to be epic. the game doesn't stop until everyone is found. once i find you, you have to help me find the others. i'll be it! you guys have a minute to hide." chase suggested.

"wait guys i don't know any room in the house except my bedroom." i said.

"we'll hide together." rudy said. i nodded. chase set the timer.

"on your mark, get ready, go!" he said as he tapped the timer and covered his eyes. everyone started scrambling and rudy grabbed my hand. he started running towards this room at the end of an abandoned hallway. he quietly opened the door and let me in. he then gently shut the door and ran to a closet in the back. he opened that door and shut it behind us. he then pulled a latch on the floor, and led me down the stairs of what seemed to be a cellar.

"what is this place?" i whispered, as he guided me through the dark. i heard him flip on a switch and a lamp came on. the cellar type room had furniture, posters, and recent magazines.

"i think it was a panic room. but i turned it into my bro cave." rudy smiled. i looked around at everything. it was roomy, but coozy at the same time. thunder crashed outside and i jumped.

"you afraid of thunderstorms?" he asked.

"a little. i wasn't fond of much as a kid." i said.

"what do you mean by that?" he asked, sitting down. he patted a seat next to him.

"i was a scared kid. i didn't like rollercoasters, scary movies, thunderstorms, dolls, the dark, silence, i was even scared of boys." i explained.

"why were you afraid of boys?" he asked.

"that's a whole can of worms that won't be opened soon." i said.

"so what was your childhood like, growing up in georgia?" he asked.

"i'm guessing it's no where near growing up in alaska. it was like living in a suburban coming of age movie. without the main-character-trying-to-break-out storyline," i started.

"rolling hills, shitty high schools, and scarlet o'hara on a sunday evenin'." i said in a southern belle accent. we shared a laugh.

"why don't you like us? we're really nice people." he said.

"that's not the case at all, you guys seem great. i am just extremely shy. and you guys are so close-knit from being together last season, i feel like i'm intruding." i admitted.

"you're not intruding. we like you. we want you to feel welcome. and as for the shy thing, we'll work on that." he said.

"we?" i asked. he smirked and ran his hands through his hair.

"yes, we. we as in you and me." he explained.

"plus, you opened right up to me. so you can't be that shy." he said. i thought about it.

"huh, i guess i did. maybe because you're easy to talk to." i smiled. he stared at me for a bit. i got self-conscious.

"what? do i look bad? god, i knew i looked fat in this outfit." i said, hiding my face in my hands.

"no, no, no. god, no. you look beautiful. i-...i was just admiring that's all." he said, flushed.

"i've never had a guy 'admire' me before." i chuckled.

"well they should've." he answered. i felt my skin burn. we locked eyes for a good minute.

"so how long till you think they'll find us?" i asked, breaking the silence.

"um, probably forever. we had to jump over three spider webs to get here." he joked. we laughed. maybe this won't be so awkward anymore...

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