w.y - eleven: the otherside

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rudy and i haven't talked in days. and that made me realize, i needed him in my life. as something. friend, boyfriend, anything. so, i was in the process of setting up a candle lit dinner for us so we could talk.

what would come of it? i don't know. but if rudy was anything to me, he was my best friend. and i couldn't bare the thought of never ever feeling what we had again. it was too much.

i had lit the candles on my dresser. i had laid out a blanket for us to eat on and i brought a basket upstairs with all rudy's favorite food. all i could think of was laughing at one of rudy's jokes again. or smiling at one of his compliments. staring into his eyes. kissing his lips.

i checked the time, and it was one am.  i wanted to make it late at night so no one would bother us or see us. and when we were done, we could go out on the balcony and watch the stars until sunrise. everything was perfect.

i was walking to the door to get rudy when i tripped on a chair leg and bumped into my dresser. a candle fell off and onto the floor. a small fire ignited. crap, crap, crap. i ran to my water bottle and poured water on it. but that didn't help. then i went to my bathroom to get more water. when i came back, the fire had spread to my dresser and bed. holy shit.

"help! somebody!" i screamed. i started to bang on the walls to make noise until someone heard me. as i did this, the fire got bigger and the room became smokey. i began to cough, and bang on the walls more. soon, i became weak and light-headed. i stumble back, and fell into the corner of my room. my eyelids were heavy, and my lungs hurt. as i closed my eyes, all i could think of was rudy. everything we've done, said, or shared. finally, everything was pitch dark...

it had been a few days after my talk with venice. we hadn't spoken since, and it killed me. what i'd give just to have things go back to normal with us.  i was sleeping when the smell of smoke woke me up. my room when filling with smoke and i heard a bang on my door. jonathan rushed in.

"rudy, the house is on fire! come on!" he shouted. i got up and ran out with him. when we got outside, madelyn, chase, and madison were anxiously waiting, tears in their eyes. something felt horrible wrong. they turned and saw us.

"oh god! rudy your okay!" they cried. i looked around.

"where's venice?" i asked. madison started to cry with a look of fear on her face. (play song).

"the fire started in her room. we couldn't find her in the smoke. we told the firefighters and they're on their way, but they don't know if smoke inhalation will get to her first." madelyn said. my world stopped. every moment i've ever had with venice hit my head like a punch. before i even could register what was happening, i had turned and started running to the house.

"no! stop! rudy!" they called after me. i didn't listen. when i went back into the house, smoke had progressed. i coughed and felt around for the stairs.

"venice!" i called, my lungs aching. when i got to her room, fire was nearing her doorway. but as if it were a miracle, i could see her limp body in the corner. i leaped towards her, jumping over a patch of fire. i picked up her body and tossed her over my shoulder. it was a struggle, but i got her downstairs.

then a loud bang. the beams in front of the door collapsed, blocking the exit. i heard venice cough.

"venice! can you hear me? venice!" i shouted. her eyes barely opened.

"rudy?" she asked, her voice hoarse. tears of joy and anxiety flood from my eyes. i felt smoke in my lungs but i didn't care.

"your alive. if i would of lost you..." i trailed off. she looked frail, helpless. she was struggling to keep her eyes open.

"i-i love you, rudy. i'm sorry it had to end this way." venice said, weakly.

"nothing is ending. we will get out and we will survive. okay? but i need you to stay with me." i said, my voice getting hoarse. the smoke was getting to me, and i was getting light-headed.

"see you on the other side, pankow." she whispered with a weak smile, and closed her eyes.

"venice! please...this isn't the end of our story. it can't be. please come back. p-please..." i said, getting weaker. i couldn't hold myself up anymore. as i collapsed on the floor, everything seemed to go in slow motion. the fire continued to rage. right before the lights went out, i saw firefighters running towards me and venice. as they took her away, i mustered up my last bit of strength to whisper.

"i love you." and then, the lights when out.

"if the storm comes, if we burn up, if the wells run dry...you're my reason to believe in another life."

"if it all ends and it's over, if the sky falls fire...best believe me, you will see me on the other side."


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