l.f.t.i: chapter seven - what happens in vegas, doesn't say in vegas

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i decided to drive to georgia from california. it was going to be a long drive, and i planned on stopping in places along the way, spending nights in hotels and spas and retreats.

when i finished packing my car with stuff for two weeks, i hugged rudy and drew. i didn't say much because i didn't want to be dramatic. so instead, i just said: "i'll be back".

when i pulled away, my head is a thousand miles away already. i was just going through the driving motions and absentmindedly cruising though the streets of california, turning each corner without thought.

music played in the background. songs from my childhood. songs that brought me home even though i wasn't there yet. and i know that the drive would be more healing than actually going home, since nothing there was for me anymore. both of my parents had died. my old friends all away at college or living their new lives. all i had was a shell of what used to be my life.

nothing was the same anymore. and as i passed the 'welcome to nevada' sign, i realized nothing will ever be the same again.

i planned on stopping in denver, colorado. it was a nice major city i didn't have to worry about outright racism in and i've always had wanted to go. but first i was going to go through las vegas. i've heard the legends about the shows and the casinos and everything. when i got there, it was exactly like how i'd imagined. casinos at every corner, attractions everywhere. but it seemed empty. covid seemed to have brought gospel to sin city.

i was driving past an electronic build board that changed ads every thirty seconds. and when i was about the pass it, an netflix ad popped up. for outer banks. and i was on it. every moved in slow motion as i thought about everything that has happened in the past year. the love, the betrayal, the fun, the loss. and i saw my smiling face on the billboard and asked myself, "how do you feel? do you want to give this feeling up?".

unfortunately, i was so deep in thought, i didn't see the red light. or the suv barreling towards me. i did, however, after flipping over two times and landing upside down in my car, see the lights in my eyes go out in my rearview mirror. a fitting exit to the greek tragedy that is my life.


when i got call, i booked the first plane out. i couldn't even think straight. everyone came with me. the nurse found my number in her emergency contacts and called me. she couldn't tell me how badly she had been hurt or any extra information. she could only tell me the name of the hospital. glory memorial. the name burned into my mind.

glory memorial, i whispered frantically. if only you would have convinced her to stay. then maybe she wouldn't be fighting for her life. i know. what if she's dead? then what? i don't know. what would you say to her? i don't know. well you better figure it out because there is a good chance you'll need to know. something tells me it's not looking good.

when the plane landed, we drove straight to the hospital. when i saw her laying in her bed, it brought me back to the fire. and how everyday i was scared to death she would leave me here. alone.

she was connect to tubes and had absolutely no life in her face. the doctor came in.

"so she fortunately did not suffer any physical damage. it's quite remarkable actually. it's a rare thing. but she did acquire a concussion, and she slipped away after the crash into a coma. we scanning her brain for damage. we don't know when or if she'll wake up. in these cases, the odds are great. i'm sorry." he said. the odds are great played on a loop in my head. hours after we got there the words echoed in my brain.

all i could think about is living my life without her. without her laugh. without sarcastic wit. without her charm. without her soft voice. without her hugs. without her kisses. without the comfort of knowing she's just down the hallway. without the comfort of knowing she's mine.

i just wanted to scream at her. yell at her and ask her why. why did she make me fall in love with her when there will always be this over-looming fear that one day she'll disappear without a trace? why did she draw me in only to leave me stranded? why did i love her more than myself? i wanted to crawl in that hospital bed and take her place. the pain of loosing the only girl i've ever truly loved was too unbearable.

she got to lay there. in her own world. and not feel a bit of pain while i had to stay here. fully aware of everything. i didn't want to loose her. i couldn't. if she died i knew she'd take the most important part of myself with her. leaving me with the remains of myself. a shell of myself. if she died, i'd probably jump in the grave with her. and i know that's dark. trust me, i know. but that's how i felt.

"you can see her now." a nurse called to us. we all slowly walked in. she was still there. eyes closed. gray. lifeless.

"it seems like we've talked this way before. you in a coma and me trying to coax you out of it. but i don't know if that'll work this time, babe." i said, tearing up.

"i know there is something beckoning you to give in and go towards the light. but fight it, o-okay?" i said as tears hit the stark white hospital sheets.

"fight it for me. i love you. and no matter what happens we will be together. no matter what. and that's a promise." i said, through my tears. i stood there. almost like i was waiting for a response. and that's what i got. she started shaking, violently. her monitors making a symphony of noises. and her heart monitor was about to do a solo.

"code blue in room 417. code blue in room 417." the intercom said. doctors rushed in and a nurse escorted me out in complete shock. i stared in the window as they tried to calm everything down. and i knew even if she didn't die, that a piece of my soul will always be in that room. forever.

a/n: 🌚...hey. surpisw shawty 🪟🏃🏿‍♀️ hope you liked it. enjoy 😉 have a great day and see you soon. vote and comment and follow and i'll see you soon. bye ❤️

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