l.t.f.i - chapter four: the fight of fights

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the night came slower than molasses. i sat at the dining table, waiting for rudy. my hands were shaking, but i sat on them to still them. then i heard his room door open. my heart started to beat out of my chest. he came out looking nicer than normal. he wasn't wearing his normal sweatsuit and baseball hat like he usually wears out.

he look put together. like he was taking care of a business deal. my mouth went dry.

"where are you going?" i croaked out. he jumped a bit. like he didn't expect me to see him.

"i thought you were in your room." he said.

"well i'm not. i'm here." i stated. he was scrambling for answers and i can see it in his eyes. my bottom lip started to quiver and my eyes brimmed with tears.

at that point he knew i knew something was up. i got up to go to my room. i already knew what i needed to know.

"venice!" he called to me. i didn't stop.

"i said get back here!" he shouted, his voice deep and loud. i shook me so much i jumped when i heard it and froze. i turned around, my heart pounding.

"when i talk, you listen." he snapped. my eyebrows rose in disbelief.

"you aren't my father. you can't tell me not a goddamn thing. especially after what you've been doing." i shouted back.

"and what have i been doing, venice?" he asked, as if he were daring me to admit i went through his phone.

"i think the question is who you've been doing." i said.

"you went through my phone. you don't trust me." he said.

"with good reason! and i didn't go through your phone. you left it in the room and when i went to give it to you, her message popped up on the screen. is this why you didn't want to go public? so you're side piece could feel better?" i asked.

"she's not my side piece!"

"then what is she?"

"a mistake! she was a lapse in judgement i had last year when we filmed season one." he yelled.

"last year? that's one hell of a mistake you keep on making!" i shouted back.

"you don't know what's going on with us. it's not what you think." he responded.

"what the hell am i supposed to think? what would you think? i mean just...imagine the shit i'd get from you if you caught me doing something like this?" i chuckled bitterly.

"i forgive you for the one thing almost no one else would forgive you for. and then you turn around and do t-this?" i shouted, breaking down towards the end.

"it's not what you think!" he shouted, coming towards me.

"nothing has happened between us since we started season 2 and right now. i told her that my heart belonged to you." he said.

"so what are you doing meeting her!" i demanded.

"she wanted to hang out one last time..." he trailed off.

"and do what?" i asked. i knew the answer but i had to see if he had the audacity to utter it.

"nothing! just hang out." he stated firmly.

"that's one fancy outfit for someone who's just hanging out with someone." i said.

"you know what, i'm out of here." he said. i pulled him back.

"no the hell you aren't!" i shouted. tears were streaming down my face.

"let me go!" he shouted. i held on to him.

"if you walk out that door..." i started...i couldn't finish my sentence because i started sobbing.

"venice..." he trailed off. i felt my lungs ache from the crying. then, something shifted in me. i let go and stepped back.

"i'm done crying over you." i sniffled. he looked at me for a second.

"are you? or are you just going to run to drew the second i leave and complain?" he snapped.

"excuse me?" i said in disbelief. he has the nerve.

"who are you to talk?" i said. he rolled his eyes.

"please the first thing your probably thought when you saw her text is that you'll get to run to drew about this." he said. before i knew it, my hand swung across his face. i gasped.

"i'm-...i'm sorry. i didn't mean-." a hot flash of pain swiped across my face. i stood there in disbelief. and so did he. i looked up at him and he looked up at me. time slowed to a stop. i could hear his heart beating and i think he could hear mine.

it was silent. but it wasn't silent. we were talking with our eyes. he apologized in this pained look he gave me and apologized too in mine. i took a step towards him and rested my head on his chest and wrapped
my arms around him. and he draped his arms around me.

and we just stood there. holding each other in the quiet. and we stood there until the sun rose the next morning...

a/n: heyyy :) how are you doing? tell me in the comments. how did you like the chapter? sorry they are so short :( i'll do better. the next chapter will be the valentine's day special 🌺 see you then ;) love you 🌝 vote, comment, and follow me

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