w.y - chapter nine: the icy fire

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i felt my skin burn. all eyes were on us. what. the. hell. rudy was blushing and looking around too. after what seemed like eons, everyone finally went back to skating. the butterflies in my stomach moved and created a lump in my throat. i felt tears well up in my eyes and before one of those bitches could drop, i skated off the ice and ran (on ice skates) to the bathroom. don't even ask me how, i don't know.

i sat down on the toilet and locked the stall door. i laid my head on my knees and began to sob. maybe it was because i was embarrassed, maybe it was because i couldn't handle all the emotions i was feeling. all i know was that there were a river of tears flowing out of my eyes. then the bathroom door swung open.

i silenced myself immediately, choking on my sobs.

"venice? it's me, madison. are you okay?" she asked. you can tell her. no you can't. yes, you can. it's maddie. she's kept all your secrets and has given you advice. so? i don't care. no one can see you like-

i heard her set down her stuff and then she slid under the stall door. i was in so much shock, i forgot i was all snotty-nosed and tear-stricken. if i weren't so upset, i would have been cackling.

"what's wrong?" she said, bringing me into a hug.

"i don't know..." i sobbed quietly on her shoulder.

"you guys finally kissed for real! why aren't you happy?" she asked. when she did, it clicked. why i was crying, why i was afraid of telling rudy my feelings, and why i was so social anxious.

"if i tell you something, do you promise you won't tell a soul?" i asked.

"of course. i would never." madison assured.

"it all started in high school..."


we left the stall and maddie helped clean me up. my mascara had run and my lipgloss looked shabby. i gave myself a quick pep talk before going out the face them all. you got this, v. they're all your friends. we're all adults.

when i walked out, the group were all talking. all except rudy. he was in the corner looking like he had just found out someone died. they fell silent when i came. madison's makeup skills were great, but it was visibly obvious  i had been crying. and rudy could tell, because when he saw me, he looked even sadder (if that was even possible). my heart cracked at the sight.

"are you okay, scarlett?" jonathan asked. i simply nodded, afraid my voice would betray me.

"we should go home, order some comfort food." madelyn suggested. i nodded as i began to take off my skates. this would be painful drive home.


on the drive home, everyone was whispering and being secretive about something. well except for rudy and i. he was confused too, but he seemed to depressed to care. when he got home, chase spoke up.

"there is no reason to get something delivered at this time of night. so just text me what you want and i'll pick it up." chase explained. that seems reasonable, unsuspicious...but what about all the whispering?

"i'll go too." madelyn said. not suspicious...ish.

"okay, i'll text you guys when i get in." i said. i hopped out of the car, and rudy hopped out too. maddie was about to hop out, then she made a turn and shut the car doors. her, jonathan, chase, and madelyn were still in the car.

"we'll see you guys in a couple hours." chase shouted from the window.

"what! what are y'all doing?" i asked, running towards the car.

"y'all need to figure this out. so we're leaving you to it. y'all better be together when we come back." jonathan said. i looked at maddie and she gave me an encouraging and sympathetic nod. these hoes really left me alone with rudy after  e v e r y t h i n g  that went down at the rink?  when i turned around, rudy was already inside. it's now or never.


after searching the entire house, even his little hideout, i decided to retreat to my room. if he wanted to talk, he could come find me. when i opened my room, i heard shuffling on the balcony. that better not be an animal.

i grabbed my baseball bat and timidly opened the balcony door. and what i saw nearly killed me...and it damn sure changed me forever.

he was on the top of the banister of the balcony, flask in hand. trying to tight rope walk. what the fuck. what the fuck. what the fuck. what. the. fuck.

"rudy..." i said lowly and quietly, trying not to scare him. he slowly turned around.

"what is the problem with me? why do you hate me? is it something i've done?" he asked, pain in his voice.

"not you. someone else. and i'll tell you all about it. just please, please get off the ledge." i said, tears following down my face. i reached out to help him, my hands shaking. he slowly climbed down, and stood expectingly.

"it all started in high school..."

to be continued...

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