please read <3

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hey guys, its me. obviously...but erm, i'm writing this to check in on everybody after that epilogue...i know it was very heavy. i feel kind of bad ending it the way i did. i feel by the almost silence y'all might not like it either. and this is your book just as much as it is mine because without y'all i wouldn't have kept writing this book.

so i say all of this to tell you i might do an alternate ending. usually this is something i would surprise you guys with a few months down the line, but new year new me i guess? writing helps me through this tough time as i'm sure reading helps y'all. also i need opinions on where i should go from here. this was the only book i was actively updating, now that's basically done i need something to write. i have over 165 drafts waiting to be published but they aren't all obx related. would y'all be interested?

i know y'all read this book because its about obx, specifically rudy, but i've kind of moved on from that phase of my life. so if there is anything you'd like me to maybe write about other things, i'd consider it! with everything going on in the obx fandom right about now, it's draining. so i'll definitely consider writing another fan fiction about it, but don't expect it to be all rose color glasses. it will be very very real and honest.

once again, thank you so so so so so much for reading this box and giving it attention. when i started writing this book i was a budding writer, who loved a netflix teen show. i had written stories before, one almost made it to 100k reads, but i took it down because i wrote it in seventh grade, it was all over the place, badly written, and one of the main characters died...anyways, this is the first book i actually feel good about with this many reads. and i owe that all to you guys.

i love you, have a great new year, and i'm manifesting good health, happiness, peace, love, and positive vibes for all of you reading this. stay safe <3

mel ♥️🖤

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