w.y - chapter twelve: the aftermath

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third person.

the group waited in the hospital waiting area for any news on rudy and venice. madison was biting nails, madelyn was silently crying while hugging chase, and jonathan was pacing. the waiting room was erie. the lights were flickering and the nurses keep eyeing madison and jonathan.

finally, a doctor came out. everyone stood up. jonathan walked up to him.

"are they okay? any news?" he asked. the doctor looked him up and down and rolled his eyes. he then turned to chase and madelyn.

"your friend inhaled a lot of smoke, but he'll be fine. we have him on oxygen and we addressing the burns on his feet. he should be good in a couple days." the doctor explained.

"and what about venice?" madelyn asked.

"i haven't gotten to her yet. the man seemed in more critical condition." the doctor said through gritted teeth.

"venice was in the house longer. she inhaled more smoke. she could be dying!" madison shouted.

"i get to her when i can. i'm sure she'll be fine." the doctor said, and walked away.

"i can't believe this. did you see the way he looked at jd? and the fact he hasn't even seen venice but rudy is all good?" madison said.

"madison, we're in rural south carolina. what do you expect?" jd said, his head in his hands. just then, four men walked into the hospital. they were all big and had beards, and were white. one of them had a belt buckle with a confederate flag. they sternly
looked at jonathan and walked over to him.

"what's your business here boy?" one of them said.

"who are you calling boy?" jonathan said and stood up. madison grabbed his arm.

"jd, just ignore them. they have nothing better to do." she said.

"you better listen to your bitch." another one said.

"who are you calling a bitch?" jonathan said, pulling away from from her. chase got up and madelyn moved madison away from the scene.

"what's the problem here? we didn't do anything to you guys. just leave us alone." chase stated.

"i don't think you know where you are. see this here is a sundown town. and..." the guy checks outside.

"the sun is down." he said. jonathan shook his head and rolled his eyes.

"those still exist?" he said in a tired expression.

"yeah. they sure do." the fourth man said.

"woah, wait. what's a sundown town?" chase asked.

"it's a town where when the sun goes down, black folks can't go out or be seen. or else..." one of the men said, as he maintained eye contact with jd. madison and madelyn came back.

"madison and i just booked a hotel. you and madison should go back there. chase will take you. i'll wait here for any news about venice." madelyn said to jd.

"what about you, mads?" chase asked her.

"i called drew. he'll be here. just go. okay?" she said, with worry in her voice.

"0kay, be safe babe." chase said. then him, jd, and madison left in the van. before they pulled out the lot, drew pulled in. madelyn embraced him in a hug and explained everything that just happened.

they were sitting in the waiting room when the receptionist chuckled. this got drew and madison's attention.

"don't ever bring them here again. or else i'll make another call..." she trailed off.

"you called those men?" madelyn said, getting up.

"why yes, honey. i don't know why a pretty young girl like you would be mixed up with those...people. if i were you, i'd stay away...if you know what's good for you." she said.

"and if you care about your little friend, get her out of this hospital. because she won't get care here." she added.

"go find venice, room 317. watch her while i find a new hospital." madelyn said. drew ran to venice's room and saw one of the four men watching her sleep.

"get out of here!" drew shouted. the man chuckled and left, but not before muttering something.

"she'll get what's coming to her." he said. drew rolled his eyes in digust. madelyn walked into venice's room.

"i found a hospital near charleston. it's safe. they're sending a team to transport her. they'll be there soon." madelyn said. then, they heard a wheelchair approaching. soon emerged rudy. he had on a hospital gown and bandages on his feet.

"is she okay? what's happening?" he asked.

"we don't know. the doctors refuse to see her." madelyn said.

"what the hell? why?" rudy snapped angrily.

"this is a sundown town. jd and madison had to leave because black people aren't welcomed after dark here. four men scared them away. one of them was just in here with venice." drew added.

"that's a thing? these freaking racists..." rudy said.

"we called another hospital and they're transferring her there. do you want to be moved too?" madelyn asked.

"please. i'd rather die than stay in this hell hole. plus, where ever she goes, i go." he responded.

a few minutes later, the team came in to transport venice. right before they started to move her, she started seizing.

"she seizing! check her blood pressure. we need to transport her stat!" an emt said.

"what's happening? all she has is smoke inhalation!" rudy asked. an emt walked over to the chart by venice's hospital bed.

"that's weird, they have her on the wrong medicine. her body must be rejecting it." they said.

"can you transport him too? i don't trust this hospital." drew said. the emt nodded.

"absolutely. come on, sir." the emt to said to rudy. venice had stopped seizing. she looked weaker than before. and it broke rudy's heart. and angered him. who dare would hurt his girl? his soulmate? the love of his life?

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