l.t.f.i - chapter ten: not this b*tch again

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after the table read, the cast decided to see if that science center we went was still open. as we pilled into drew's minivan, a screechy high yelled from the building er were table reading in.

"wait for me, drewbear and rudytoody." elan said. rudy wHaT?

she hopped in the car and tried to squeeze herself in between rudy and i.

"venice can you move over, bestie?" she smiled. i'm not your damn bestie.

"sure, elam." i said, nonchalantly moving over.

"it's elan." she said. i fake gasped in embarrassment.

"i'm so bad with names i'm so sorry." i said, the insincerity peaking out my voice.

"she is. she mixed madelyn and i's names up for two weeks." madison joked.

"it's true." i laughed. elan smiled the fakest smile ever at me and then turned to rudy.

"i haven't seen you in so long. you look great." she said to him. i raised my eyebrows. this bitch is bold.

"thanks, e. you too." he said back. what?! she rested her head on his shoulder. my hate for her grew stronger every minute she was on him.

"looks like they're open. great." drew said, as he drove into the parking lot.

"rudes, there was this place you wanted to show me last time we were here together but i had to leave early. do you remember? you said it had stars on the ceiling..." elan said. does she mean the room he showed me when we were hear together? is he serious-

"yeah. venice and i can show you." rudy said. he looked over at me and saw i was staring into his soul with a mad look on my face.

"yeah, rudy and i would be happy to show you. it's our favorite place here." i said, trying to sound fine.

"oh yeah? what's so great about it rudes?" she asked, batting her eyelashes. if she says that again...

"well it has the zodiac constellations on it, and venice is really into astrology." rudy said.

"you believe in that stuff? wow..." she said, with a chuckle.

"you don't?" i ask, not hiding my hatred in my voice this time.

"it's stupid to think someone acts the way they do because pluto was in gatorade or because it's a full moon. what are we? wolves?" she snickered. no you're more like a dog. a female one.

"it's weird but i mean my baby loves it so..." rudy said.

"awe, you too are just the cutest." she said, insincerely.

we got out and scattered like roaches in the science center. we all went to our favorite places. elan followed rudy like a lost puppy.

"oh they added a photo booth. let's take a picture." elan said. she grabbed rudy's hand and dragged him over to the photo-booth. i followed. but there was only enough room for two. so she pulled the curtain closed and i heard the cameras flash and them giggling. it made my blood boil. but what made me uncontrollably angry was when the camera stopped clicking and it was silent. their photos slid into the slot and low and behold...the last photo was of them kissing.

well she kissed him on the cheek but still. she had the gaul to do that as his girlfriend stood not one foot away. so this bitch was capable of anything. so i took the photos and stormed off. i needed answers. quick. i found madison and j.d chilling by the coffee shop.

"what were elan and rudy like when they were together?" i asked. they looked shocked at my question.

"touchy-feely. they were very much into pda. elan was a bit possessive. they never left the house without each other. we didn't really get to hang out much. he was always with her, always posting on her social media. she never missed the opportunity to show that she was with him or wearing his clothes. it was sweet." j.d said.

"you guys would tell me if you thought something was still happening right?" i asked.

"of course. but why bring this up now? did something happen?" madison said. i showed them the pictures.

"oh..." she said. i fought back the lump in my throat.

"i think they're just good friends. when they stopped dating, they ended it on good terms. great terms if you will." j.d said.

"when did they end it?" i asked, tucking the photos in my pocket.

"the day of your chemistry read." madison said. i small smiled to myself.

"thanks guys. i need to find him." i said. i went back to the photo booth as they were just getting out.

"what took you so long in there? i've been gone for five minutes." i said.

"we saw our photos didn't take so we re-did them. and then we...talked for a bit." elan said with a smug smirk on her face.

"oh...okay." i said, letting her words replay in my head over and over. two can play at this game.

"you alright, babe?" rudy asked me. i walked up to him and smashed my lips into his. we shared a passionate kiss. for a second, i forgot elan existed. all good things come to an end though. i remembered she was there when she tripped and fell into rudy, breaking us up.

"ow...my ankle." she cried. serves you right.

"i think i twisted it. rudes can you help me to the car?" she asked in a baby voice.

"sure." he said. he picked her up bridal style and carried her away.

that bitch again...

a/n: eh oh el. another one. (d j k h a l i d). enjoy bbs. vote and comment and follow. bye luvs

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