l.t.f.i - chapter eleven: ignorance is hell, not bliss.

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filming was hectic. but i mean it always was. but this season, the pressure was on. and to make matters worse, elan moved in to our house. i couldn't think with her always around all the time.

and worse? she'd borrow my stuff without asking. one day i caught her in the kitchen, in one of my satin bonnets. she thought the idea was "cool" and that "everyone should wear them". i had to keep it cool though, because she was everyone else's friend and if i blew up on her then i would look like the bad person.

but that all changed one friday afternoon. madelyn and i had went out to shop, and when we got back everyone was in the living room watching a movie. everyone except elan and rudy.

"hey where is rudy?" i asked. jd pointed upstairs towards the rooms, too deeply engrossed in the movie to talk. i chuckled and went upstairs. that's when i saw his door was shut. and rudy never keeps his door shut. and then, i began to panick in my head. why is his door shut? where is elan? i know good and well she is not in this room with this boy and the door is shut. bust in there. do it. i don't want it to seem like i don't trust him. if i bust in there and accuse him of something bad i'd be in the wrong.

and if you knock, that would warn them and they'd stop doing what they are doing. you'd never catch them. i don't want to do that to him. he could be cheating on you. fuck his feelings. but what if he isn't? we are wasting time. go in there.

after arguing with myself, i decided to pretend to forget to knock and act as if everything were normal. so i mustered up all my courage and waltzed into his room. that's when elan jumped off his bed and plastered on the fakest smile ever.

"hey, ven-ven. you're back early." she said, adjusting her clothes. i examined the situation. rudy was on his bed in a sweatshirt and shorts, and she was wearing leggings and a hoodie. but not just any hoodie. it was-.

"she got cold so i lent her my hoodie." rudy said. he could sense the suspicion in my squinted eyes.

"why is your door shut? you never shut your door." i said, trying not to sound accusatory.

"they were being loud down there. elan had a headache asked to chill in here since her room is on the first floor and she could still hear them." he explained. bullshit.

"oh, okay...why did you jump when i came in?" i asked, not letting up.

"i scare easily." she said, with a hint of aggression so subtle you would of missed it if you didn't know what to look for.

"so what did you get from the store?" she asked all bubbly. her enthusiasm was so artificial, you could use it in hawaiian punch.

"just some new tops and stuff. nothing special." i responded.

"hey i need to talk to rudy, could you give us a sec?" i asked.

"yeah sure. find me when you're done, rudes." she said, as she left. i could still smell her strong perfume in the room. why would you put on perfume to go rest from a headache in your friends room?

"what's up, babe?" he asked, sitting up. i sit on his bed.

"nothing, i just wanted to be with you. that's all." i said, pushing my suspicion to the side.

"actually, i've been meaning to talk to you." he said. i nodded.

"okay so do you not like elan?" he asked, bluntly.

"who said that?" i responded, with a hint of sarcastic shock in my voice.

"venice...i know you better than anybody. answer the question." he said.

"well if you know me so well, you should know the answer to that." i chuckled.

"so why don't you like her?" he asked. i looked at him weirdly.

"is she not...you're ex?" i asked, knowing the answer to my question.

"yeah...but you know it's not like that anymore." he said.

"do i? i mean, she's in your hoodie on your bed when everyone else is downstairs. she was wearing perfume. wouldn't that make her headache worse? and why not go outside? she is miss nature, right? or why not go into the seven other empty rooms of her friends who are equally as close to her as you are? why jump as if you've done something wrong? why-." he cut him off.

"woah, woah, woah. so what i'm hearing is, you don't trust me?" he said, his voice slightly raised.

"no. what i'm saying is why are you trying to every situation you end up in with her purely coincidental and harmless?" i spoke back with the same energy.

"because it is! what makes you think that it isn't?" he said, the conversation escalating.

"maybe on your end. but you must think i'm dumb if you think you can convince me that you don't see the way she interacts with you. how do you not see that as a problem?" i asked.

"what is the problem? she is my friend." he shouted.

"she's also friends with every. single. other. person. down. there!" i said, clapping in between each word.

"i don't see her all up on chase. or jd. do you? no." i said.

"why are you being like this? i can't have female friends?" he said.

"do you see me complaining about madelyn or madison? no. because they know how to act around a guy in a relationship and still maintain a healthy friendship." i shout.

"and elan doesn't? are you fucking kidding me?" he yelled.

"no! no the fuck she doesn't. i hate to break it to you but she is trying to get with you." i said.

"there it is!" he shouts, throwing his hands up in there air.

"yeah! i'm not afraid to say it! she had been trying to get with you for the longest.  or shall i say get with you again." i responded.

"you had to bring that up." he growled. i bitterly chuckled.

"yeah. i haven't forgotten." i added. he rolled his eyes.

"you wanna bring up the past? you really wanna go there? because that is a game you will not win." he said.

"wanna bet, bitch?" i shouted. that's when the door opened.

"what's going on in here?" chase said as everyone entered the room, minus elan. we ignored them.

"okay, let's play that game. who did you go out with out valentine's day?" he asked.

"who did you go out with on valentines day?" i asked.

"i know! the same bitch you were fucking when you were filming the first season." i said.

"that's rich coming from the girl who fucked my cast mate." he yelled.

"your? your cast mate? also, we never fucked! yeah, bitch. wait no, don't hit me like last time." i said sarcastically.

"woah, you hit her?" jd asked, remind us that they were there.

"we hit each other. and we moved on from it." rudy said.

"you know what? fuck this." i said. i walk to the railing of the steps.

"hey elan? you can resume trying to get him to fuck you again. he's all yours, girl." i said. i grabbed my keys and walked out door. slamming it so hard, i heard something fall on the inside.

a/n: decided see this book through. i fought through writing this chapter for yall so enjoy that shit. love you guys! school is out and i'm getting a laptop so maybe i'll be able to update more 🌺 have a good night guys.

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