l.f.t.i - chapter three: speak now and forever hold the pieces

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i was making everyone lunch (by choice, not because i'm the only girl) when i realized that rudy and i hadn't annouced our relationship. of course, from the little bit of press we were able to do before the virus, and the show of course, some fans had already started to ship us and our characters. but they didn't know for sure.

is that a step i want to take? there is no going back if i do. it's not only up to you. rudy gets a say in the matter too. i decided to ask him. what is the harm in hearing his thoughts about it?

i walked into his room and we was telling a story. sounded like one from filming. he paused when he heard me come in.

"hey venice, come here!" he said. i walked over to his desk where he was sitting.

"say hi to the live." he said. i smiled and waved.

"hey guys, what's up?" i asked. comments came rolling in, shocked i was there with him.

"want to answer some questions?" he asked.

"why not?" i said. i sat down next to rudy and looked at his phone.

"'why are you there?'..." i read from the phone.

"rudy and i are roommates." i answered simply. comments about our relationship and us living together started rolling in.

"yeah and drew too." rudy added. i watched the comments and almost all of them were shipping us.

"well, we have to get to a meeting in a few minutes so i'm going to end the live. thanks for tuning in, guys." rudy said, before ending the live.

"hey babe, what's up?" he asked.

"i wanted to talk to you about something..." i said. he straightened up, indicating me to continue.

"should we go public?" i asked. he was silent. he sat there and thought about it. i could see it in his eyes, that thousands of endless possibilities of the outcome of this situation were rolling around in his head.

"do you want to? go public?" he asked.

"i was thinking about it. and i wanted to hear your thoughts on it." i said.

"...maybe we should wait. let the buzz of the show die down. what do you think?" he asked.

"...sure. okay. we'll wait." i responded. he had a point...but it still hurt a little. it's nothing personal, venice. it's not about you at all.

"did you get the filming schedule?" he asked.

"yeah, they want to start filming up again next month. they already sent over the scripts." i said.

"the fans are going to go nuts for this season. and jj is getting a dog!" he cheered. i giggled at his enthusiasm.

"i'm just worried about covid and all of that." i said.

"yeah, me too. but i read their plan. we're going to get tested upwards of twice a week. and who knows? maybe we'll have a vaccine by then? we'll be alright." he said. i drew in a deep breath. i then let it out slowly.

"i hope so. i can't imagine losing someone else in my life. especially to this damn virus." i said.

"i'm going to go order lunch. you want anything?" he asked as he got up.

"just get me whatever you're having." i said. he let the room.

"wait you forgot your ph-." before i could say phone, he got a message. it read, "miss you, too. call me when you get here."

immediately i started analyzing. quite quickly too. it's not his family. they're in alaska and can't travel because of the pandemic. so it must be someone who lives here. but who? a friend? what if it's a girl? open it and find out. but i can't this is rudy's phone. he deserves privacy. and you deserve answers. straight forward information, not played down. so grab that phone and check who's sending him messages.

i grabbed it phone without thinking and unlocked it. i clicked on the messages. they came from someone named elan siebrook. i've seen the name before but i couldn't put my finger on where. before i put his phone down, she sent another text. when i read it, i froze.

elan siebrook: does venice know about us?

us? who the hell is us? this motherf......i'm going to beat his ass right now. no! if you do, he'll know you went through his phone. i don't care. he's going to think you don't trust him. obviously i shouldn't if he's pulling this bullshit! i can't go through this again. okay, okay, okay. give him a chance to tell you. when he's leaving tonight, ask him where he's going. if he lies, i'll let you at him. ...fine. but the second he lies-...i know, i know.

the two voices in my head had finished arguing. i brought rudy his phone, trying not to show my anger on my face. my italics voice is right. i need to give him a chance to tell me. but my bold voice is also right. how did i know he was going to tell me the truth?

a/n: hey! the next chapter is coming out sooner than you would expect! so watch out. have a good day. i love you. remember to vote, comment and follow me if you haven't.


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