l.w.m: chapter seven - walking on eggshells, running on nails

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ever since my first night home, everyone acted as if i were a ticking bomb. waiting to explode. like i was some evil queen they were afraid of. and it made me madder than i was. why is it when i don't stand up for myself i get walked on, but when i do i'm the villain?

it's insane to me. but elan could do everything she has done and still get treated better than me. so i decided, if they're going to make me out to be the villain...i'll guess i'll be the daggone villain. and be unbothered doing it.

i was making breakfast in the kitchen for myself, when elan entered the kitchen as if i were a rabid dog she was afraid to come near. she stared at me as if i had horns growing out of my head. i felt her stare. so i looked up at her. the others started to come in the kitchen. but she was still staring at me. so i bucked myself at her and she jumped back.

i giggled and continued to make my breakfast. the silence in the room was comforting. i knew if they said something, they would scold me or blame me or get mad at me. so the silence was better.

"so we start press tomorrow...is everyone excited?" elan said, trying to break the silence.

"who the hell is we?" i snapped back. silence.

"well...the showrunners expressed it would be a good idea to have elan doing press with us. to clear up any rumours that there is tension in the group.." maddie said.

"in what definition of group does our situation here include her?" i yelled. silence. again.

"467. For 467 days I was non-stop preparing for auditions before I even got a single call back. Even longer to land a role. this role. i worked day and night. cried myself to sleep for weeks. wondering, 'why me? why can't things happen for me?' i prayed for even a chance. and i finally got a chance. here. playing this role. i dreamed of going on press tours, knowing i'd never get to do one unless i landed a big role. so here i am. i put in the work. i put in the time. and i finally get to achieve my goal...and you're telling me that she," i paused to gesture to elan.

"that bitch gets to get this just like that? just like that. hell no." i said.

"venice, wait-."

"HELL. NO." i restated again. i picked up my phone and dialled the showrunners. it rang four times before someone picked up.

"hey venice, how can i help you?" they asked.

"take her off the press tour." i stated firmly.


"take her off or i'm not going. it's her or me. choose right now." i stated. you can guess what followed. silence.

"why did you change your mind on it?" they asked.

"change my mind? i never ever said i wanted her on the tour." i said.

"well i asked the group to take a vote on whether we should include her or not. they told me you all unanimously decided that she should be there." they explained.

"i'm sorry what? this is the first i'm hearing about a vote. you mean to tell me we had a choice in this?" i yelled.

"yeah of course. we would of never agreed to it if someone didn't want to do it. that would kind of defeat the whole purpose." they said. i hung up and stormed back into the kitchen.

"so y'all voted and didn't include me?" i yelled.

"we knew what your answer would be. but venice, my publicist is saying i need this redemption press tour to convey the message that i'm not racist. and you're both needed in that. please do this." chase said.

"so...you need me to parade around with y'all so you don't look racist? are you shitten me?" i said.

"it's not that simple..." he started again.

"no. i get it. i understand just fine. i will be on that press tour. and i will talk to the press. about everything. and trust me. i won't leave not one detail, not one name, not one single piece out. and then we can talk about what your publicist wants after that." i yelled. i turned to walk out. i was two inches out the kitchen when a hand grabbed me. i turned around and my eyes met with his. and even though i tried to remain angry, i couldn't. those eyes had quelled my storms during turbulent times so many times, i couldn't resist their effect.

"we need to talk." he said. i didn't respond. i just ripped my hand away and walked outside. he followed.

"look. i understand that you're angry. i get it. but you can not expose everything that has gone on. it won't just ruin us. it'll ruin you. i know you're homicidal, but you're not suicidal." he said with venom in his voice.

"yeah, these scars beg to differ. i don't care if i go down. and i don't care who falls with me." i said.

"listen to me! you will ruin everything for everyone if you go through with this. you said it yourself. you've worked so hard for this. do not let her ruin it all. you will ruin the show. put hundreds out of a job. including people i would think to be your best friends. anger is only a little while. regret lasts forever. don't let the world see you sweat. i know the old venice is still in there somewhere. and she wouldn't do this." he ranted.

"how do you know she's still in here? because in my opinion, she died the second i saw you together in that bed." i said.

"because i'm still in love with you." he blurted. my heart stopped beating in my chest.

"i hate this new venice, but i'm still in love with you so that means the old you is still in there." he said. i still couldn't bring myself to speak. this time it was my turn to be silent.

"if you go, if you don't expose everything...I'll know that the old venice is still in there. and i'll know....i'll do everything to get back to her." he finished. he walked away and i released a breath i didn't realise i was holding.

he still loves me...

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