l.w.m: chapter nine - the thanksgiving special

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as if new york reacted to us being here, a nasty snow storm grounded us from going anywhere overnight. and now we were stuck here on thanksgiving, unable to go home to any of our families. not that i had anything to go home to. so, the few of us used to winter weather braved the snow to get us some thanksgiving essentials and we were going to prepare dinner in the penthouse suite.

after the whole bold magazine fiasco, things have been a little bit...better. we promised to keep each other updated about anything we said in indiviual interviews so no one would be blind sided. the shows lawyers threatened to sue bold magazine if they ever released the story because no one consented to having their private conversation recorded. bold magazine would be condemned to d-list celebrities if it tried to run our story, and they smartly decided we weren't worth that.

but i had mixed feelings about it all. yes, i was happy nothing got out. but i was still angry that they got off unscathed again. but i didn't want to focus of that. because for the first time ever, the air wasn't tense. yes, there was some coldness, but nothing hostile or unbearable.

to make everything better, drew had caught the last flight in to jfk before it shut down and delayed all its flights. so he got to join our dinner. i had convinced him to help me make the mac-and-cheese and the sweet potato pie. bailey was on turkey duty, maddie was making the stuffing, jd was in charge of the ham, elan and rudy decided to work on the vegetables and the garlic bread, and chase was making the candied potatoes.

we played christmas music as we worked. from the outside looking in, they would of saw a happy group of friends making dinner and enjoying each others company. and to be honest, i almost forgot we weren't.

"why can't we make pumpkin pie?" drew whined.

"because ew...sweet potato pie is the best pie and i will be hearing no more." i said, laughing.

"and breadcrumbs on top of the back and cheese? are we living in some alternate universe?" he asked with a smile on his face that made my heart skip a beat.

"you really were raised by white folks, huh?" i joked. we bursted out laughing in a giggle fit.

"pass me the potatoes." i asked. he handed me pumpkin slices. i swiftly took it out his hand and threw it in the trash from where i was standing. we all roared in excitement when i made the shot. well, almost all of us. i turned back and around and stuck my arm out for the potatoes.

and then he took sugar and place it on my nose instead.

"joseph i know you did not-" i said, as grabbed some sugar and through it on his face. and that started an all out war. we tossed whatever powdered substance we could find and when we were done, we looked like we just took a backstroke in a pool of baby powder.

"we're going to get cleaned up." i squeaked out as i tried not to laugh harder than i was. we went to bathroom on the second floor and situated our selves. i took off my powder covered bonnet, and inspected my hair. he had turned on the shower, took off his powder-covered sweater and stuck his head in the water to wash his hair. i left the bathroom immediately, trying to give him his space. i went into his room and pulled out two shirts for us to where. i changed into some big green t-shirt that said something about north carolina and fishing. and walked back to the bathroom and handed him a grey hoodie that had the north carolina flag on the back.

"huh...i wonder where drew is from?" i said sarcastically, handing him the hoodie as he turned off the water.

"south carolina maybe?" he joked back with me. he pulled on the hoodie.

"that's my lucky shirt!" he said as he looked at the shirt of his i stole.

"now it's mine. sorry, don't make the rules." i said.

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