l.t.f.i - chapter six: the end in a beginning

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tw: mention of eating disorder


"why? because you got some mean comments?" drew asked, with a tone in his voice i've never heard before. he sounded...almost angry.

"because! i did not sign up to be slut-shamed, bullied about my skin, and to get my dead parents made fun of. i've healed from things like this in the past. i can't reopen that wound!" i shouted. rudy came in.

"what's going on? why are you yelling?" he asked me. i couldn't look at him.

"venice is leaving the show." drew said. rudy looked at me like i was crazy.

"why?" he asked in disbelief. i didn't want to rehash everything i just said so i handed him my phone so he can look at screenshots of the worst comments.

"venice, every one who is famous has gotten hate. do you see my comments? they can get bad too." he said.

"this is way different and you know it. when you do something you don't like, they don't come after your skin color. they don't come after your looks. they don't mention any sore subjects. the only thing they hate any of you for is being around me!" i said, raising my voice at the end.

"this is something you won't get. can't y'all see what is happening?" i shouted.

"and imagine when we announce that we are dating, rudy. we'd have to at some point. imagine how awful the dm's and the comments will be. it's just better for everyone if i leave the show." i stated.

"give up everything you've worked for since you were a kid? this is your career we're talking about. think about that. if you leave directors and casting agents every where will think you can't commit and you'll never get a job again. think about that. don't let these people shit on all that hard work. or else everything that happened to you ever in your life so that you could get to this point was a waste of time." drew said. he then brushed pasted me and left. leaving me standing there with rudy.

"he's right. i love you. and you deserve more than to quit on your dream. all those auditions your parents took you to...quitting would be a slap in the face to them." he said. pang of guilt hit my chest.

"i can't imagine what you're going through. but remember i'm here for you all the time. and all though i may not like it, drew is here for you all the time too. i know you and you would always regret not hanging in there." he said. he rubbed my shoulder.

"maybe take a break from social media. delete the apps. and while you're gone, i'll announce we're dating so you don't see the hate. and when you're ready you can ease yourself back on there." he suggested.

"i'll think about it. right now i just want to be alone." i said. i walked to my bathroom, and got in the shower. every thought, every comment, every feeling from today returned to me once my skin hit the hot water. i didn't even realize i was crying until almost fogged bathroom mirror revealed it to me.

once i got in, i let it all flow. i sat at the bottom of the tube, knees to my chest, and let every emotion out. i had too. just in case i got any thoughts...i moved my razors to the cupboard outside the tub. when the tears stopped flowing, i left.

when he heard the click of my bathroom door, he rushed towards me.

"are you okay? you've been in there for three hours." he said. i didn't have the energy to respond. or do anything for that matter.

"d-did you..." he trailed off. i knew what he was asking and i couldn't even begin to muster up the energy to explain i didn't. thinking about it took a lot of energy even.

"woah venice...are you okay?" rudy's voice echoed in my head. the room was blurry and he was circling around me.


she swayed back in forth in her towel. it was obvious she was out of it.

"venice are you okay?" i asked. she didn't respond. she just dropped.

"oh my god." i said, scooping her up. i carried her to her bed and went and got a cold wash cloth. i changed her into some pajamas.

i was prepared with some water and something to eat so when she woke up she'd have something.

"what happened?" drew asked, walking in.

"she was in the shower crying for hours. when she got out she wasn't speaking. and then she dropped." i said.

"is she okay? did she..." he trailed off. i knew what he meant.

"i don't think so. i don't know why she would've passed out." i responded. he thought about it, and then his face changed. he ran to get her phone and then came back.

"look at this dm..." he said. i took her phone and read it.

venicehateclub: i used to be worried about you and rudy, but now i'm not. i reminded myself that he would never ever go for a dark fat bitch like you. maybe if you were prettier, maybe if you skipped a few meals. but not the way you are now.

i was so shocked at what i read it took me a minute to say something.

"do you think she stopped eating?" drew asked. my heart dropped. i ran to her trash can and things i thought she ate days ago were there, untouched.

"i-..." i cut myself off. i didn't even know what to say.

"guys..." she croaked out as she came to. i felt tears brim in my eyes.

"what happened?" she asked. drew handed her to water. he then handed her the sandwich i slapped together when she passed out.

"i'm good." she said, dismissively. she drank some more water.

"venice, eat it. now." drew said. she looked up at him with wide eyes.

"i'm not hungry." she said, her voice wavering.

"we know you haven't been eating." i said. she looked down.

"can you tell?" she asked, in a weird tone. i looked at her strangely.

"no, we found out." drew said, catching the weirdness in her tone too.

"no, but like...can you tell? do i look better?" she asked. my eyebrows raised in shock of the question she put forth in front of me.

"what?" i uttered in disbelief. she got up and walked out the room. i followed her into the kitchen.

"venice i know you didn't just ask that." i said. she rested against the island in the middle of the kitchen.

"i know...i don't know what's gotten into me." she said. she turned around.

"i'm sorry. i truly am. i'm going through a lot right now. and i shouldn't be putting you through this." she said. i didn't know what to say. there was silence for a moment.

"i need to go." she finally said. i couldn't speak. 

"are you going to that cliff?" drew asked with a hint of worry in his voice.

"no. i'm going home. to georgia."

a/n: hey y'all 😃 here's a chapter. don't know when the next one will be. but expect more of rudy's pov from now on. it's kind of fun writing from his perspective. enjoy and have a great and safe weekend. happy spring equinox! i love you! don't forget to comment and follow and vote if you haven't. bye ❤️

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