l.t.f.i - chapter eight: all that is bad can end well

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do you know what it's like? to be in a coma? most people don't but, i've had my fair share of coma time. and it's scary to say the least. having no control, afraid one day you'll slip away, worried about everyone on the outside. they say you can hear people talking in a coma.

not in the early stages, no. but for me, i knew i was close to waking up when i could start hearing faint conversations. but since i'm telling you this story, it's obvious i survived. but for a while, the voices never came. until one day, i heard a voice that could snap me out of a coma. well it actually did.

i heard him ask the doctor how long i'd been under. the doctor said two weeks. i heard footsteps leave the room. and i felt hot breath on my skin.

"poor venice. you never were a lucky one. but perhaps...you are. because some how," the voice paused. and then i felt a hard force on my neck.

"you just keep escaping death. maybe you won't be so lucky this time." they said. i shot up out of my coma. and reached for my throat. but nothing was there.

"venice?" rudy jumped, with hope in his voice.

"was he here?" i heard myself ask. it didn't sound like me, though. my throat was hoarse.

"who? was who hear?" rudy asked, coming to the side of my bed.

"river." i whispered. he looked at me weirdly.

"who the hell is river?" he asked. i gathered my thoughts. analyzed the voice i heard my head. made sure it was really river. but i knew it was him. like i said before, i could pick his voice out of a line up.

"m-my ex. he t-tried to c-choke me. i felt it." i said, tears welling up in my eyes.

"i think you just had a nightmare. or maybe your medicine-." i cut him.

"it was him. i know his voice. and i felt his hand on my neck. it was him. it was river." i stated firmly.

"i'll go get the doctor." rudy said, walking out. seconds after he walked out, a figure passed my door. a way too familiar figure. i planted my feet on the ground and wobbled my way out my room. i needed to know if i was crazy.

i followed the figure. the walk was the same as river's. his hair slicked back the same way. he even had on the leather jacket he always wore. it has skulls imprinted on the back. he went into a room. i pressed my back against the wall outside to hear why he was here.

"she's been induced. and i've given her the epidural. call for a nurse when things get more intense." a doctor said. the doctor came out the room and walked the opposite direction from the side i was on. i peered in the room, and there he was. it was river. next to a very pregnant woman. she had fire red hair, and freckles all over her face. he really knocked someone up. imagine giving birth to his demon seed.

with new found courage, i walked in the room. and river looked like he'd seen a ghost. i smirked at his reaction.

"hey river. how's it been?" i asked, with a smile.

"what are you going here?" he asked. i raised my eyebrows.

"i should ask you the same thing. last time i saw you, you were in georgia." i said.

"that's not possible. we live in las vegas. and have for a few years." the woman said.

"is that so? well my boyfriend is here, too. he was with me when i saw him. maybe he could help jog your memory." i said.

"venice, leave." he said sternly. the woman looked scared.

"aw, are you scared?" i asked her, placing my hand on her shoulder.

"you should be. he did a number on me. tell her, river." i said.

"babe what is she talking about?" the woman asked. i glanced at her chart. her name was erin.

"erin...is it?" i asked. she nodded. i took a glance at river. he was fuming. but i didn't give a flying fuck.

"well, when i say river here did a number on me, i mean he liked to do certain activities." i said.

"what do you mean by that?" erin asked. river grabbed my arm but i shook him off.

"his favorite was a game he liked to play. i called it 'beating the shit out of me'. but he also loved the game, 'raping me and making me think it's my fault'. and also liked to cut me with a knife sometimes too. this," i paused to show her my arm.

"is from river." i said. she looked horrified.

"i'm so sorry to spring this on you now, erin. but you need to know what kind of man you're letting near your baby." i said.

"you bitch!" river shouted. i smiled at him. i got real close to him and whispered in his ear.

"i know it was you in my hospital room." he looked at me crazily.

"i-i thought you were in a coma." he said. i smiled.

"i was. but thanks to your abuse, the very sound of your voice traumatized me. and it could wake me from the dead." i said.

"wait-...he's never hurt me." erin said. i processed the information and then laughed hysterically.

"what is so funny?" she asked, with this fear on her face.

"so you only abused me? you only scarred me?" i asked in amusement.

"wow!" i laughed again. he clenched his jaw.

"you really are a pathetic, disgusting, horrible piece of shit." i said. i turned to walk away. but then i whipped around and pimp-slapped the fuck out of him. he fell to the ground.

"stay away from me. if you come near me i will make sure you never see the light of day again." i yelled.

"erin, honey, don't let him sign that birth certificate. okay? you have your baby, you heal, and you get as far away from him as you can." i said.

"babies-...i'm having twin girls." she said, tears running down her eyes.

"protect them. please. don't like this piece of shit come near them. and if you ever have to fight in a custody battle find me. and i'll show the court irrefutable proof that this man is an abuser and should never see those babies. okay?" i said. she nodded. and with that i walked out. feeling accomplished. i saved erin and those kids from that monster. and i let out a lot of my anger i've harbored.

as i re-entered my room, rudy was there waiting.

"where were you?" he asked. i sat on my bed.

"i had to take care of something." i simply said.

the doctor walked in and took me to run some tests. and it was miracle, but i was fine. but he did instruct me to take it easy. and i would now that that mistake of a human was never going to hurt me again...or hurt those kids.

a/n: finally some justice for venice! period. thanks for reading. hoped you liked it. remember to vote and follow and comment. thank you so much for supporting this book. i love you. bye. ❤️

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