w.y - chapter three: the connection

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we arrived at gregorio's, a fancy italian restaurant. we all sat down, and i ended up sitting between rudy and madelyn.

"you're going to love this place, venice. they have the best breadsticks." jonathan said. i small smiled. we all had a table reserved in a small private room to avoid being recognized. well, it was really for the rest of the cast. no one knew who i was yet.

"so tell us about yourself, venice." chase asked.

"well, i grew up in georgia, but i'm sure you knew that. i am scorpio, if you believe in that stuff," i said.

"i could totally tell. you have those vibes." madelyn said.

"yeah well, so does everyone who meets me. i guess i just carry that dark, creepy, brooding vibe." i joke.

"no, that's not what i meant at all." madelyn said.

"right, you're one of the most down-to-earth people i've meet. so you're a little quiet...but i mean it's makes you charming." rudy said. i felt my skin burn. ever since hide-and-seek, rudy and i have had this silent chemistry. we haven't spoken much but whenever we're in the room together, i've felt nothing but electricity. when we're in the kitchen at the same time, nothing but sparks. when we're on set, nothing but sparks.

maybe it was because we connected before, or maybe because we have to connect on screen. either way, it's undeniable. and i can feel it right now, as he's next to me, talking about how he likes my personality.

"t-thanks, rudy." i small smiled. he smiled back and i felt them. sparks. and that was the worst thing i could ever feel. not only was i awkward around him because i didn't know him that well, but i was going to be extra awkward around him because i was playing his love interest, and now it's extremely awkward because i feel this undeniable connection. my anxiety can not handle all this awkwardness. i think i might explode.

we were finishing up dessert and the ice had been broken. we were all laughing. we were currently in a game of never have i ever. and me being me, of course i was winning.

"okay, never have i ever smoked. period." chase said. everyone put their finger down except me.

"that's wild. i remember one time i got so high i couldn't stop crying because i thought my toes were falling off." madison shared. we all laughed.

"i thought people only smoked for stress. i've never been under that much stress thankfully." i stated.

"some smoke for ✨r e c r e a t i o n✨." rudy joked. we laughed again.

"okay never have i ever had a one night stand." madelyn said. i put my finger down.

"what? the venice scarlett has had a one night stand?" madison joked.

"laugh it up, laugh it up. it was completely regrettable. we were done in ten seconds flat, and the dude's hair was so full of dandruff and product." i said. the whole table started to die of laughter.

"i was like, 'listen here frosted flakes, you have 20 seconds to get out of my apartment before i hurt you. i'm giving you twice as much time as you gave me.' he ran out of there like a rat." i said. everyone was wheezing.

"you actually said that to him?" jonathan choked out between laughs.

"i sure did. he thought i was playin'. like fuck outta here." i said, my atlanta coming out. the group was in tears.

"your killing me." madison cried in laughter.

"please tell me you have more stories." chase said. i thought of some.

"on black friday, i fought a bitch in the parking lot." i admitted. more laughter erupted. hearing their laughter was like fuel. it encouraged me to tell antidotes from my belligerent adolescence. i know it's confusing. how do you have nearly crippling social anxiety and you were beating bitches up in a parking lot? one answer? an incident. that i'm not even comfortable narrating it.

"so this girl with this hideous synthetic red wig was eyeing these shoes i had in my cart at this black friday sale. then she tapped me and was like," i started to do an accent.

"ma'am, i think you dropped something behind you." i mocked.

"so my dumb ass turns back and looks for what i 'dropped'. i didn't see anything. so i turned around to ask what she meant, and she was at the checkout, with my shoes. so i sprint all the way to the front and confront her. i tapped her on her shoulder and i was like, 'excuse me, miss. give me back my shoes.' and she was like, 'if you ain't buy 'em, they ain't yours.' so i was like, 'listen here low battery, give me my shit or we can squabble.' and she was like, 'then what's up?'. and i was like, 'then what's good?'. and then she tried to swing. and i ducked it and then hit that bitch with an upper cut. so we're fighting, and we keeping moving. all of a sudden, we're in the parking lot. i give that final blow to her head and she finally gives up. and y'all don't know this but i can be petty. so i swiped her strawberry shortcake party city ass wig off and threw it back in the store. long story short...i got my shoes." i finally finish. the table was silent. shit, was that too much? was i too hood? do they think i'm violent? you always mess everything up. stupid, stupid, stup-.

they all erupted into crazy laughter. all my worries washed away. i joined in. they were red and hollering.

"she said party city wig-." madison cried.

"damn-...i wouldn't expect venice to fight." rudy said.

"a lot of people underestimate me, i use it to my advantage." i quipped.

"well i have to make sure i won't do that." rudy sparred back.

"you do that." i joked back. he smirked. we locked eyes. i felt this funny feeling, butterflies, in my stomach. for a second, it felt like it was only us. it was this moment when i took in his golden locks, those ice blue eyes, and his magnetic aura if you will and that's when i knew. i felt it in the pit of my stomach. and i know it sounds corny, but i felt it in the beat of my heart. rudy then coughed to break the stare.

oh venice, no. no, no, no, no! you can not fall for your cast mate. not even if he looks like a greek god and pulls you in. not even if your chemistry is AP. not even-

rudy unconsciously put his hand on my knee as chase told a story. my breathing hitched. my thoughts halted. this was happening, holy shit this was happening.

"so venice, anybody you have your eye on?" madelyn asked. yeah, he's sitting right next to me.

"you must of have the boys falling at their feet for you in georgia." madison smiled.

"um, not exactly," i answered, dejected. just like that i had reverted to the me from a couple weeks ago. and i think rudy could tell because he then whispered,

"you okay, v?" he asked. i nodded, but i still think he didn't believe me.

"you know you can tell me anything, right? anything at all." he added. i know i can, but i also know i can't.

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