w.y - the holiday special pt. 1

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no one's pov.

'twas the night before the premiere. when all through the cast, no one had heard from venice, since thanksgiving last.

the cast was having a season two premiere and a christmas afterparty in new york. the premiere was going to be a small screening of the first three episodes and a red carpet before, with only netflix actors and crew invited.

none of the cast has seen or heard venice since thanksgiving night. they've contacted her, but she hasn't said anything back. it drove rudy crazy not knowing is she was doing okay or not. he's emailed her, texted her, called, facetimed...hell, he even sent her handwritten letters. and he has just sent one off.

dear venice,

i hope your okay. i hope your doing better. and i hope your taking care of yourself. i hope to see you at the premiere. please come to the premiere.

i've been going crazy not knowing if your okay. i've resorted to handwritten mail. please, let me know your okay. and that's your better. that's all i need. it's been radio silent since...it happened.

and please, please, please forgive me. i just want to get back to normal again. i want to get back to all the good times we shared. i still love you. and i always will. no matter what.

hope to see you soon,

this was the most recent of many letters sent over the times they spent apart. with no response. so what happened on thanksgiving night?

"she's asking for you, rudy..." jd said. rudy quickly followed jd to her room. venice was wrapped up in a blanket, laying on her bed. she looked drained. her once vibrant dark skin, was grey. her eyes once full of life, were hollow and empty. rudy almost didn't recognize her.

"rudy? is that you?" she whispered. rudy knelt down beside her.

"yes, i'm here." he said. venice reached out her hand.

"stay with me? till i fall asleep?" she asked.

"o-of course." he said. so he stayed with her and they both fell asleep when rudy woke up, venice was gone. all her stuff, everything but the blanket they shared last night was gone.

no one knew where she went. they had texted her and called her until they came to the assumption that she went back home to georgia. rudy wanted to make sure, so he researched flights out of charleston to hartsfield-jackson, and saw the only one went out at 6AM that morning. so everyone assumed she caught that flight out.

from that night, rudy spent his mornings texting her. and his days texting her whenever the littlest thing reminded him of her. like when he sA her favorite candy in the store, or when he saw her favorite color.

maddie tried reaching out, too. she felt completely awful about the whole situation. as much as she believed what she told rudy that night about not being guilty, she couldn't help but feel a little guilt.

in fact, she and rudy have done nothing but talk everyday, finding comfort in each other. they felt as if only they could understand what each other is feeling. and they...bonded.

so what happened to venice scarlett? where did she go? why? to answer that question, venice did end up going home to atlanta. her doctor put her back on her anti-depressive medicine, and she's been talking to someone about her feelings. not a therapist...but a cast mate. drew starkey.

she had given drew the whole run down of what happened. from the game of hide-n-seek, right to her mental breakdown. and he understood it...all. he made sure to call her everyday. sometimes these phone calls would last the whole day. sometimes, they would even fall asleep on the phone together.

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