l.w.m - chapter one: the fallout

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the fall out after our breakup was even worse than the breakup itself. it divided our group. the others felt conflicted and slowly squeezed us out. and just like i was at the beginning of this entire journey, i was alone. i felt like an outsider in my own house. i slowly reverted back to the shy girl who barely said yes to any activity. not that they were asking all that often. they thought it would be fair to split their time between rudy and i. spending some days with him, others with me when i was up to it. but i was never up to it.

to make matters worse, elan didn't waste a single second doing damage control. within a few days, she had managed to win back the trust of everyone. she batted her eyelashes, shed a tear here and there, promised everyone she had changed and she wasn't the same person. she even apologized to me. but it was half-assed. I could tell.

"hey, venice. i think we should talk." she said, as she entered my room. she slowly sat on my bed. i looked at her in the corner of my room. I didn't say a word.

"I know how it looks...like i was trying to get with rudy." she started up. and that's because you were.

"but I would never ruin a relationship. that's not who am i. i would never, ever go after rudy in that way." she stated. I still didn't say anything. i looked at her with a straight face.

"I know what that feels like. when rudy and i had our thing going, and everything was going great, he left. he left for the new girl on set. and she didn't even care to ask if he was in a relationship. she just waltzed in and snatched the guy i loved out from under me." she said, with bitterness in her voice. i'm the new girl. i took rudy from her first.

"but hey! you live and you learn and you move on. which is what i did. and i hope you are able to move on too." she said, getting up.

"word of advice: how you get them is how you lose them. and karma never strikes when you want it, but when you need it. have a good day." she said with an evil grin. I watch her slip out the door, leaving her strong perfume in my air. she has some damn nerve.

we were all planning on hanging out again, but the others were concerned about whether it would be awkward or not. being me, i assured them that i was fine. rudy apparently said the same thing. i said apparently since we haven't been in the same place at the same time in weeks, the exception of filming.

filming was hard. i was supposed to act as if i had a romantic connection to someone who broke my heart in a million pieces. i was supposed to kiss this man, hug this man, act as if i was a lovesick puppy around him. and I did just that. i didn't let our personal problems get in the way of my job. but when the director said "cut", we stopped acting and went our separate ways as if we were strangers.

i began to look forward to filming. it was the only way i could see him without it being awkward. I know he asked for us to stay friends, but how do you stay friends with someone who hurt you so badly? how do you pretend it's okay when that person gave up on your relationship. how do you even begin to process such a thing?

so when they suggested we all start hanging out again, I couldn't have said 'yes' faster. the plan was to go to a museum and then catch dinner and a movie afterwards. this seemed like the perfect setting to see rudy and maybe start talking again. but i was conflicted. of course i still loved him, but do i want to see this man after all that happened? none the less, i got ready. I was wearing a black body con mini dress with pearl straps. i put on valentino stilettos, and straightened my thick afro.

i lined my lips with brown lip liner and topped my lips off with lipgloss. i was determined to look amazing. determined to look the best i could in hopes he would have no other option but to talk to me. when it was time to go, i was the last person to descend the steps. i felt a million butterflies in my stomach as rudy and I locked eyes for a split second.


when she descended the stairs, all time stopped for me. she looked regal and stunning and beautiful all at once. her eyes sparkled in the light, and it made me feel every emotion. i've never laid my eyes on someone so unknowingly beautiful. when she made it to the end, she grabbed her purse.

"everyone ready?" she asked, with her perfectly glossed lips. everyone agreed, but me. i was still staring at her beauty. regretting breaking up with her. staying focused all night was tough. i would try to look at a sculpture or a painting, and then i would hear her adorable laugh from a few feet away. i'd try to eat my food, and then she would flash billion dollar smile at our friends.

"no because i truly believe alison had her reasons for acting out like she did. you cannot convince me otherwise." she stated. right then, she was discussing her favorite show, pretty little liars, with the others.

"she had absolutely no reason to treat mona like she did. alison deserved all she got." Madison responded.

"her parents were awful! her mom taught her how to lie before she could do multiplication. her family has a shit ton of secrets. she hated herself." venice argued. I just stared at her.

"but instead of trying to be nice, she traumatized several people. what about what she did to emily? emily was in love with her!" madelyn added.

"she was only like that because she hated the fact she loved her too. read in between the lines." venice said.

"she was buried alive, stabbed, stalked, and lost her mom. and her cousin who she thought was her sister. the man she married was out to get her, and she was impregnated against her own will. she has her reasons." venice explained.

"what the hell is this show?" jd asked, jokingly concerned. we all shared a quick laugh, which lead to venice and I locking eyes again.

"it's pretty little liars. the best teen drama show ever. i think its got gossip girl beat. don't come for me." venice said.

"no! gossip girl was the blue print." madelyn said. venice laughed and rolled her eyes. our food came out and everyone started eating. but my eyes were still on her. there was something about her that i couldn't let go off. but i knew she would be happier if we were to stay friends.


i could feel his stare. if it weren't for my skin being so dark, i would of been blushing the whole time. all i wanted to do is talk to him. embrace his company. but i couldn't allow myself to get that close again. not this time. not ever again.

a/n: first chapter of this last part! how did i do? let me know your thoughts. remember to vote and have a good day and follow me if you haven't. and 12K READS! THANK YOU SO MUCH ILY Y'ALL SO MUCH. you don't know how much this means. love you always.
<3 - v

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