l.w.m - chapter three: the nameless storm

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the roads were closed. the power was out. a category four hurricane was hitting charleston. scared, we all huddled up in the living room. candles around us, battery powered lamps in the corner. we were all wrapped up in blankets, trying to ride out the storm.

"99 gallons of milk on the wall, 99 gallons of milk...take one down. pass it around. 98 gallons of milk on the wall." chase started. we all chuckled.

"we aren't that bored, chase." i chuckled quietly. we all fell back into silence. i was fidgeting with my bracelet. our phones were all off because we were trying to preserve battery. we had a landline if anyone needed to reach us and a battery powered radio telling us updates on the weather.

the eye of the storm had yet to pass over us. and i was just wishing i was in my room right now, away from rudy and e-...his girlfriend.

"let's play a game. maybe that'll pass the time." madelyn said. she walked over to where we kept our games and brought over four boxes for us to choose from.

"let's see...we have monopoly, chutes and ladders, sorry, and darings truths." madison called out.

"what is daring truths?" elan asked. she looked up at rudy so i guess she was asking him.

"it's a board game where you pull a card with a question you must answer. if you choose not to answer you get knocked back three spaces, and if you choose to answer you get to move forward." he explained.

"there is also leveled questions. a level one question only gets you one step forward but a level two question gets you and so on." jd finished.

"that seems fun enough." she said. they all murmured in agreement. they all looked at me for a final verdict. god, why did it have to come down to me. if i say no, i'll be the party pooper. but i don't want to agree with her. whatever it's just a game.

"i call red." i said quietly, grabbing a piece from the box. everyone grabbed a piece. once we all got sorted, we started to play.

"i'll go." i said, pulling a card. i stopped to read the card and mentally rolled my eyes. of course i had to get this card.

"what is one relationship you regret and why?" i read aloud in a monotone voice. i looked up to see everyone looking me. a part of me wanted to be neutral and say something about my first ex. but the petty bitch in me wanted to say my most recent one. and the petty in me won that day...

"my most recent one, because it was a waste of time, a whole lot of games, i didn't love him and because it was small." i said, out of spite. i regretted the words as soon as they came out of my mouth. a part of me wanted to take every single word i just said out of the air. the words hung onto the silence in the room.

"...anyways, i'll go next." elan chimed in. i mentally rolled my eyes again. she picked up a card and smirked.

"what your strongest dislike? um...i hate girls who are pick me's. girls who do anything and everything for attention. girls who have mental breakdowns when they find out about something small like a kiss. girls who hop from friend to friend with reckless abandon." she said. a rage took over me so strong, to this day i'm still confused on all that happened. all i know is that i saw red. 

"i'll go again." i said aggressively grabbing the pile. i pretended as if i was shuffling the cards and picked a random one. it really read: who is the last person you kissed? but i read it as:

"who is the person in the room who's ass you're going to beat?" i said. then i got up and lunged at elan, tackling her to the ground as the thunder roared outside. i started swinging left and right. she got a few hits in, and a few kicks. but i got in the most hits. they tried to pull me off of her, but something in me gave me the strength of a thousand men because i wouldn't budge.

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