l.w.m - chapter three: no peace

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after the storm, there was a strange calm in the house. no, i didn't apologise to elan. and i didn't plan on forgiving her at all. not in this life time. the group of course asked me to, but i felt as if we agreed to never do it again and stay away from each other...an apology wouldn't be necessary. so they set up the meeting in a neutral place, a place in public so we couldn't act a fool. the park by the house.

they offered to drive me, but i wanted to walk. i needed to clear my head if i was going to face this woman. so that's exactly what i did. if we were going to be in public, it would be a bad look for me, the show, and everyone involved if i were to fight her again. so i promised myself that no matter what, i wouldn't let her get to me like that again. i would stay in control of my emotions.

when i arrived she was already there. i assumed she got a ride there. she was sitting on the bench near the willow trees, and i reluctantly joined her, not making eye contact. it was silent for a few moments. then she finally spoke up.

"did you walk here?" she asked, with a monotone voice on telling me she really didn't give a shit about my choice of transportation.

"i had to clear my mind so i wouldn't do something stupid. you have the peaceful sounds of society and birds chirping to thank for me not cussing you out right now." i spoke calmly.

"remind me to send a thank you note..." she said sarcastically. i rolled my eyes and we fell into silence.

"i don't want to be here for any longer than i have to be and i assume you feel the same way. so let's get this over with so we can get back to our days." i explained.

"i drove here because i know what i want to say, and i didn't want a walk to give me the time to think about it. i came here to say stay the fuck away from me and my boyfriend if you know what's good for you. or else-." i cut her off.

"you'll what? you can't do shit to me, elan. don't play the threat game...because baby that is a game you'll lose every. single. time. so hear this: i will be around whoever i want to be around. and you won't stop me because you don't want your ass to be handed to you again and you don't want to have to look over your shoulder everyday you're in the house. are we clear?" i asked. she chuckled.

"you underestimate me, venice...my dad always told me to never underestimate the competition. i know your dad wasn't around to give you the same advice. so i'll tell you myself as my "peace offering" gift. i have more power than you know. just because i can't beat your ass doesn't mean i don't have other ways of handing your ass to you. so i'd tread lightly with your demands and i would stay away from me and my boyfriend." she responded.

"if this were a competition, you would of lost already. but this isn't. atleast not to me. but for you..." i pause to chuckle.

"your entire relationship will be a competition. you'll always wonder if i did something better than you did. if i kept him happier, if i kissed him better, if i cheered him up faster, if i was a better girlfriend. so as my "peace offering" gift, i'll put you out of your misery. the answer is yes. yes i was better than you. when you're kissing him...thinking about how sweet the moment is and how romantic it is, he'll be thinking of me. when you're loving how soft his lips are and wishing you could kiss him forever, he'll be thinking of how your lips don't compare to mine. so at least you'll be at peace and you won't have to wonder whether i am better than you. you'll simply know i am." i said. she was stunned into silence. i stood up and leaned down in front of her.

"i'll always win. no matter the cost, you know i'll always win. and won't stop until i do. but i actually have a career. and priorities. and a life. and i don't want to wage a war path on you. so for rudy's sake...don't come for me and i won't come for you. there was something my dad said to me because yes he was in my life that applies perfectly to this situation and i'd be honored to pass on his wisdom to you. he said: won't start none, won't be none." i said. i stood up straight and walked back towards the house.

i had set the record straight to elan and if she tried me whatever i did in retaliation would be on her. when i got back to the house, elan hadn't reached there yet. i was confused since she drove, but i shook it off. probably still collecting her shit after i destroyed her.

"hey guys, how's it go-." i cut off but a door slam. elan opened the door in tears, with new "bruises" on her face. she saw me, and jumped. i could tell she expected to beat me home.

"what happened?" rudy asked her, rushing up to her.

"nothing i'm fine." she cried. i looked at her astonished.

"did you guys fight again?" he asked, voice raised.

"no! we said our peace and went our separate ways. whatever happened to her, it wasn't me." i said.

"she told me not to say anything. and that if i did, she'd...she'd..." she broke down. this woman should be in the industry.

"you lying bitch!" i yelled. she jumped, pretending to be scared of me.

"venice, how could you! you promise to make peace. after all we said-...i can't believe you'd lie like this." rudy said.

"you actually believe this bullshit? what the hell? don't you think if we would of fought, i would have some scratch marks? bruises? like last time? and we were in a public place. people would of saw and recorded it and uploaded it. check social media. do you see any fight? no." i yelled. he stood there confused.

"elan wouldn't lie like this..." he said. i stared at him blankly. then busted out laughing.

"that has to be the biggest fucking joke of the century. every part of her lies." i said.

"god, you're good. remember how i said don't start none won't be none? well since you decided to lie on my name, consider this war. fuck anything about peace i said earlier. you just fucked up any chances of peace in the house with your lies. hope this little charade was worth it." i said to elan.

"and don't bother asking me what i'm going to do. just expect it." i said. i stormed up stairs, my mind in a million places. how do i ruin her credibility? well she is a lose cannon. she will slip up eventually. you're right. and we'll catch it.

just wait till tomorrow, elan. you just won battle, but i'll win the war.

a/n: yikes...war is approaching us. what do you think venice will do? comment what you would do. and vote and follow me if you haven't. hope you enjoyed this chapter. also how do you feel about more frequent updates? do you want me to slow down or do you like chapters every few days? comment please :) your feedback helps so much and is very appreciated!!!! happy summer to those of you in the northern hemisphere and happy winter to those in the southern hemisphere and i'll see you soon. have a great day/night. also don't be afraid to private message me whenever! you guys are my friends and i mean that. you frequent readers mean a lot to me and i love you and i'm proud of you and i'll always care for you and be here no matter what ❤️i am on eastern daylight time if that means anything to you guys trying to contact me. i check my messages every day or two so if i don't respond immediately please don't take offense. i probably haven't seen it. i don't know why i left such a long author's note this chapter. but its whatever. okay. bye. love you besties 😘😂

UPDATE: 13K READ?!?!?!?!?!?!? YALL ARE INSANE! ily you guys for this tysm <3 i started this book around this time last year, and when i had found this show and i cant believe it has grown so much. ik it probably seems like a little to a big time writer but to a girl in her room typing on her phone this is huge 😭 thank you.

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