l.w.m - chapter two: perfectly alone

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one week. it took one week for them to start fucking again. i didn't even find out by word of mouth. i was doing my laundry, and as i was walking past his room, i heard the bed squeaking and their voices. and what hurts the most is that he was "waiting for the right moment" with me.

and what that translates to is: i'm not that attracted to you. so when i finished my laundry, i spent three hours crying. because what else could i do? i still loved him. and there he was. fucking the girl i was insecure about. two doors down.

part of me wanted to be vengeful and call drew, but the other part of me didn't want to use my friend. the same friend i promised rudy i'd talk to less because he was insecure. i just needed my friend right now. so i reluctantly picked up my phone.

it rang for a few seconds, then it picked up.

"hello?" a voice said. it wasn't drew. it was a woman.

"i think i have the wrong number..." i said.

"oh, if you're looking for drew, he is in the shower. can i take a message?" she asked.

"just tell him to...you know what? nevermind. i'll just see him later. bye." i said. my heart was pounding. and the walls were slowly closing in. who was that? is that a new girl? i had no one to run to, no safe place to land. everyone else was too consumed in their own shit to care about me.

i was perfectly alone. i couldn't even call my parents and confide in them anymore. i had no siblings. no other friends, not close ones anyways. there i was in a house full of people, yet i was more alone then i've ever been.

day turned into night. and i decided to distract myself by making dinner for everyone. yes, everyone. i made some penne alla vodka and garlic bread. it was a bad distraction, because i was angry and cutting things while you're angry is a one stop shop to fingerless town.

while everyone was eating, i decided to make some side salad because i didn't want to be at the table while rudy and elan were cuddling up and being all lovey-dovey. as i was cutting cucumbers, i drifted into thought.,when the hell did they happen? i wonder how that conversation went. 'let's get together after all of this mess just happened'. what a cosmic joke. if they end up happily ever after, i'll know this is a simulation. because they're is no way in hell they'd work. she's an aries and he's a leo. two fire signs. the only thing that's good for is-...what they have been doing. well fuck them. fuck this. and fuck it a-.

my thoughts got interrupted when i sliced my hand on accident.

"fuck!" i shouted. everyone rushed over to me.

"holy shit! what happened?" madison asked.

"i got distracted." i said, sheepishly. jd grabbed a paper towel to catch the blood.

"i'll grab the first aid kit." madelyn said. she rushed to the cabin, as i fought back tears. i was not gonna cry in front of him. even if i did just slice my hand open.

"do you think i'll need stitches?" i asked. jd grabbed my hand and looked.

"no, i don't think so. we just need to clean it and wrap it up." he said.

"okay, and who knows how to properly do that? i don't want an amateur job." i said.

"rudy didn't you take that first aid class when you were a lifeguard that summer?" chase asked.

"...yeah." he responded reluctantly. silence.

"...so are you gonna help her, dude?" jd asked after a while. 

"can't someone else do it?" elan asked, attached to his arm.

"i second that idea." i quietly responded, bitterly.

"you guys, cut this bullshit out. you are hurt." jd said to me.

"and you can help her." he said, gesturing to rudy.

"so fucking do something and stop being immature so venice doesn't bleed out on the kitchen floor." he finished. madelyn returned with the kit.

"okay, fine." rudy said. he opened the kit and softly grabbed my hand. he grabbed what i assumed was going to disinfect the cut.

"this is going to burn, okay?" he said, looking at me for the first time in weeks. i simply nodded. he poured it onto the cut.

"ah f-..." i trailed off. he then cleaned the blood around it, and then added gauze to control the bleeding. he then softly wrapped my hand in a bandage and taped it off. i felt baby butterflies in my stomach, but that's nothing new.

"there. keep it elevated." he said, putting everything away. i didn't even mutter a thank you. i was too hurt and embarrassed by the whole situation, i just breezed right past him and went to my room, a lump growing in my throat. when i was sure the coast was clear, i slid down my door in tears, silently choking on my sobs so no one would hear me.

i picked up my phone and saw there was a missed call from drew. i picked it up and threw it across the room. it broke the window and landed outside. part of me wanted to run and jump through the window too. but that's too risky. i might survive that. if i ever attempt to kill myself again, i'm going to be precise about it. no fucking mistakes next time.

i jumped out of my thoughts when i felt the floor boards shift. i whip around to see rudy there standing at the door.

"what did you just say?" he asked. fuck. did i say that out loud?

"yes you did." he responded. thanks for betraying me, thoughts. you're welcome. and if you ever spout some crazy shit like that again, i'll make sure the whole world hears it.

"just mind your fucking business." i said, angrily.

"why the fuck are you even hear? wait-...where's your girlfriend? why isn't she swinging on your leg right now?" i shout angrily, with sarcasm in my voice. 

"i just hear glass breaking, are you alr-..." he looked at my window.

"what the fuck happened?" he asked, concerned.

"why do you fucking care?" i yelled, jumping after each word to add emphasis.

"i was just seeing if you were alright." he said, quietly. 

"why now? where were you when i was bawling my eyes out for three fucking hours because-...just fucking leave!" i screamed. louder than i ever have. i pushed him out my room and slammed the door. then the flood gates opened and i started sobbing again, and i didn't care who heard.

my life was falling apart quicker than i could imagine. everything i was once knew, that i once took comfort in, was gone. my friendship, my relationship, my parents...everything. and i didn't know how much longer i could hang on for. but hey, the saying goes: once you hit rock bottom, the only way you can go is up. but little did i know, i was far from the bottom i was about to hit.

a/n: yeahhhhh get into another chapter 🤪 hope you enjoyed this. be ready for the next chapter. y'all not gone like me for the next chapter 💀💀 yes, she is already written and ready to go 😂but you'll see it soon enough. please comment your thoughts!!! i love hearing feedback from y'all. thank you for reading. have a lovely day/night. remember to vote and follow me if you haven't. love you <3 stay cool ;) 

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