important message

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guys did i like *giggles* manifest obx2? a black girl joining the cast of carribbean decent playing a resourceful, strong-willed, defiant character? that's literally my book...

speaking of my book, don't expect any chapters for a while. not only have i started school, writing this story has gotten harder and harder in light of the recent situation.

i am 100% trying my best to finish it but i'm literally so detached from it and so emotionally unconnected from it. like i feel nothing when i look at his name. it's hard to even type the story out. every time i try, i get mad about whats going on and stop. and that anger isn't going anywhere any time soon.

i just hate how this fandom has been ruined. sorry about this. but this book is officially on hiatus. but i will finish it. the year won't end without me finishing it, if that helps any. i thought obx2 coming out would help, but it just made it worse.

you know that post rudy made about his girlfriend? okay well i commented on it stating the concerns of his POC fans and his fans struggling with mental health, and HE DELETED IT. how am i supposed to write a book about him if he is no longer an idol of mine?

like he makes me so disgusted. and it's making me pull further away from this book. so the book is probably not going to end the way i planned it. i hope y'all like the ending anyways.

have a great day/night. see you when i see you. if you wanna talk about anything, don't be shy. private message me, or comment on this chapter or go to my IG @str8ngerliars . i changed it from str8ngerobx. that's how bad it is for me.

okay. bye love you. *mwah*

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