l.w.m: chapter six - what they say about people who have nothing to lose

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moving back in after all of the drama was the most nerve-racking thing i've ever done. when i pulled back up to the house, my heart was in my throat. i didn't want to be there. but i had to. they were waiting for me outside. staring at me from the garage. my heart beat was quick. i contemplated reversing back to the hotel. but that would pro-long the inevitable.

reluctantly, i turned my car off and got out and get my bags. they silently approached my car and got what i could not carry. we silently went to my old room. everything was in place like i never left. my bed was even unmade. it was like they were scared to come in here after everything. in the corner, i saw rudy's hoodie he let me have when we were still dating. every emotion i've ever felt in this house came flooding back.

i wanted to scream out. but i knew it would only prompt a conversation. and the last thing i wanted to do was talk. though awkward, the silence was comforting. after they dropped my bags off, they stood there. waiting for me to say or do anything. all i had to energy to do was slip on rudy's old hoodie over my tank top and slip into my bed. they got the hint when my eyes closed. i heard them shuffle out. but the door didn't shut. i felt eyes on me. i smelt the cologne. i knew who it was. shortly after the others left, he left. leaving to cry myself into a nap in piece.

when i woke up, i went downstairs to eat. everyone was in the kitchen around the table. i decided not to speak unless they said something. i grabbed an orange when they called over to me.

"v? could you sit down for a sec? we have something to say." madelyn spoke. i examined the scene.. once i decided nothing too bad could come of this conversation, i sat down. but that didn't stop me from getting nervous. from feeling a weight on my shoulders. from my palms sweating. there was a beat of silence until-

"we just want to say we're sorry. we are truly so so sorry for everything. we know this year has been tough for you with your parents and all. and we made that worse." they said. i kind of felt guilt admitting this to myself, but the past few weeks, my parents weren't fresh on my mind.

"and we hope you can find it in your heart to forgive us and we hope we can earn back your trust and your friendship." they finished. i let the apology hang in the air for a bit. i observed their faces. they seemed to be sincere. i wanted things to go back to normal. so badly i just wanted us to fall back into what used to be. but i couldn't let myself give in that easily. not after everything.

"i hope you can too." i said, nonchalantly. i can tell they were shocked by my response. what? did they expect me to welcome them back as my family after everything they just did? someone cleared their throat, interrupting the silence.

"we ordered pizza. we got you your favorite. cheddar and bbq, right?" they asked.

"yup. thanks." i said with a small smile. then, a sound that used to be so familiar, but sounded so foreign now emerged. rudy chuckled. i turned my head towards him before i could even stop myself.

"i don't know how you eat that shit." he said, light-heartedly.

"i know mr.pinapple-on-pizza is not talking." i quipped back.

"it's great. especially with ranch." he responded. i faked a gag and the table started to laugh.

"ranch and pinapples, yet i'm the crazy one?" i said, talking to the group.

"yeah, yeah you are. because you also eat pickles and calamari." he added.

"pickles are delicious and calamari is the best. you eat bananas. i don't want to hear it." i said.

"bananas are normal! everyone eats them. but no one eats them green and fried in a pan." he said.

"that's plantain, not banana, stupid. and it's something people from the carribean (you know with culture) eat. sorry i don't eat ice shards. or as the alaskans call it, cereal." i sassed playfully. everyone busted out laughing. for a minute, it felt normal. it felt as if nothing happened.

if everything were to continue like this, we'd be back to where we were in no time. and then, someone walked in through the front door.

"i got the ice cream for movie night." the voice said. i could of recognized it from anywhere. and just like that, the clouds over shadowed the sun. my face dropped from a smile.

"did you save some hawaiian pizza for me, rudes?" she said. without even waiting for her to show herself, i grabbed my pizza.

"venice, stay. please?" maddie called out. i ignored her and went up to my room. i passed her on the way up, but i didn't even acknowledge her existence. she was nothing to me. and she never will be. ever.

"who pissed in her cheerios?" i heard her ask them. and i stopped dead in my tracks. why was i running? she should be the uncomfortable one. she should be the one running. so i made a u-turn down the stairs and marched into the kitchen and stood in front of her in silence. she looked at me as if i were gum on her shoe, waiting for me to say something.

but i wouldn't. i stared at her for a while longer, silence eating us up. and then, before i could stop myself (i probably wouldn't though if i could), my hand had swung across her face and she flew on to the ground. everyone gasped and got up. i walked over to where she fell. i grabbed a fist full of her shirt and made her look at me.

"don't look at me. don't talk about me. don't come near me. don't think about me. and don't fuck with me. because i do not give a fuck anymore. and i have nothing left to lose. and you know what they say about the people who have nothing left to lose: they're the most dangerous to be around." i whispered harshly. i shoved her back down, sat at the table, and resumed eating. everyone was still in shock over what just happened.

"and that goes for anyone who wants to side with her and treat her like she's some perfect fucking princess." i said, not even bothering to look up from my meal.

i had had it with being blatantly disrespected. blatantly ignored. how could they apologize for the whole situation and still have her living here? did they even mean it? or where they trying to keep the peace? well, there will be no keeping the peace.

if she fucks with me, i'll fuck with her harder. if she kicks me, i'll push her down the stairs. if she pushes me down the stairs, i'll stab her. if she stabs me, i'll-...you get the point. the point is: i did not care. no matter what happened i would not bow down, give in, our be out done. and she would regret the day she ever, decided to mess with me.

a/n: venice not messing around no more honey 💀 if you liked this chapter, please comment and vote. thanks for reading and thanks for the support. i love you so much. bye 😛

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