Snowballs (Grumbo)

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Why can I see this happening-

We're back with some more Grumbo! Sorry this took so long, I had tried a different prompt first, but then couldn't get it to work, then refused to give up, and that ate up even MORE time, and then finally gave up, and then got this done in like an hour or something.

This could be seen as platonic. Whatever floats your boat!

No warnings

Setting... seeeeeeeeeeetting... what's that?

WC: ~530 (Shorter than Grian, and that's saying something.)


It was rather early in the morning, about 9 AM. The time to wake up. Grian smiled to himself, using a gloved hand to scoop up some of the pristine snow. The last night, it had snowed, covering the landscape in flaky, frozen water. Flaky, frozen water, Grian thought with a grin. Isn't that what snow is?

Grian continued walking in a certain direction to a certain apartment as he balled up the snow. He approached the building, then threw the snowball at a specific window. Grian couldn't really tell from where he was standing, but he was sure Mumbo's window was closed. The window was rather high up, as Mumbo lived on a higher floor. The man smirked as he threw another snowball.

Mumbo pulled off his pajama shirt. He had just woken up and was getting ready for the day. Mumbo was sorting through his clothing drawers when...

"Gah!" The redstoner exclaimed at the sudden shocking cold on his back. He reached a hand back, and felt... snow? 

Mumbo reached back and wiped the cold slush off his back, a shiver travelling up his spine. That's snow alright, Mumbo realized. How did it get in here? Almost on cue, a second snowball came flying in, landing next to Mumbo and splattering to cold wetness all over him.

Mumbo abandoned the drawers and ducked behind his bed, out of range from the window. Sitting on the floor, he watched as more snowballs flew in and made a mess on his floor. Mumbo was tempted to go up to the window to check who was throwing them, although he already had a guess, but... he was still shirtless. The redstoner sighed, steeled his nerves, and ducked under the now-constant fire of snowballs to get dressed.

Grian sighed, tossing yet another snowball. Where was he? Countless snowballs, one after another weren't enough to get him at least to his window? The builder continued lobbing snowballs at the window, until...

"Are you crazy?" Grian's head whipped to the sound. It was Mumbo in his winter clothes. Grian grinned, ignoring the snow in the redstoners hair.

"Why didn't you come to your window?" Grian asked. Mumbo gave the builder a death glare, now standing right next to him. To Grian's shock, Mumbo reached down, scooped up some snow, then promptly grabbed the back of his coat and dumped the slush down his shirt.

"AAAAA!" Grian shrieked, leaping away. "What was that for?!" Mumbo's glare turned into half a smirk.

"Now you feel my pain," Mumbo explained, crossing his arms. 

"I- what?" Grian asked.

"The window was open!" Mumbo yelped. "And I didn't have a shirt on! You made a mess on my floor, and it was cold." Grian took one look at Mumbo's annoyed face and burst out laughing, falling onto the snow.

"I'm sorry!" Grian choked out, his laughter filling the streets. Mumbo dropped to his knees and scooped up the nearby snow in his arms, then dumped it on Grian, who let out another shriek.

"That's what you get for all those snowballs," Mumbo snapped, although he was grinning. Grian, however, swept his arm across the ground, splattering snow all over Mumbo.

"And that's what you get for being a spoon and leaving your window open."

Storytime: One time my dad dumped icecubes down my shirt. That's where I got the idea for the snow-down-Grian's-shirt thing. It's not a pleasant feeling.


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