Double Date (Beetho + Bdoc)

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Hey hey! This is a birthday gift for ThatrandomGriffindor!!

Thank you so much for the request! I'm cutting it very close on the deadline, unfortunately I am not at home and I don't have my laptop or any computer. Also, I deleted the entire thing like a week ago cause I decided that I didn't like it, so that was a bit of a setback /lh

Speaking of, I don't know how this'll look once I publish it. I've never published anything on my phone before, so I'm basically just crossing my fingers and hoping for the best. Formatting sucks.

Warning for TNT/explosions, mentioned injury, and mentioned death (this is fluff I promise)

WC: ~2,000


"You weren't joking, Beefers," Etho hummed, smiling at his partner. "This place really is like no other."

The pair had decided with Bdubs and Doc to do a sort of double date, and Beef had assured them all that he had the perfect, serene spot. He'd sent them all the coordinates, and when the day swung around, both couples knew what to do.

"Yep!" Beef laughed. Right now, only Beef and Etho were there. Beef took one of Etho's hands and gently kissed his knuckles.

"Two seconds in and you two are already being cute," the sudden voice made Beef drop Etho's hand out of surprise. Bdubs landed, with Doc following closely.

"Nice to see you guys too," Beef snorted, reclaiming Etho's hand as he spoke, holding it a lot more subtly than before.

The four of them drifted into an easy conversation, about builds and ideas and then merging into the topic of partners and love and romantic-based things. Beef and Doc cracked some jokes about the joys of having partners that were smaller than them, while Etho shook his head and Bdubs's scoffed loudly.

It was a good time.

"Welcome everyone!" Grian spoke loudly to the group in front of him. "This is the twenty-seventh meeting of the NLLP- the No Love Life Party! Tagline; We have no love life, so we're here to intrude on yours!"

"Hear hear!" Impulse called out. Alongside him were Scar, Cleo, and Tango.

"Today, we must prepare for a scheme like no other!" Grian continued with his grand, cinematic voice. "A plot that will surely leave those sad, romantically successful people in shambles!!"

"Ah, very good!" Tango said, doing a fairly good job at holding in his laughter.

"The plan is..." Grian paused for dramatic effect, before sighing and sitting down on his elevated stone block. "I have no plan."

"Did we ever have a plan?" Cleo pointed out. "Seriously, our 'headquarters' is a five-by-five-by-three hole underneath Bdubs's base." Although blunt, Cleo was not at all incorrect.

"Fear not, Cleo!" Scar declared. "I have a great idea!"

"Oh no," Tango snickered.

"We will extract our revenge today!" Scar said, pointedly ignoring Tango.

"On who?" Grian asked, a confused blink punctuating the statement.

"Uh," Scar paused to think. "Gay people?" That extracted a wheeze from Tango.

"Scar, hate to break it to ya, but uh-"

"Shh," Scar interrupted him. "We'll discuss the mess of your sexuality later. For now, we have a day to ruin!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2022 ⏰

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