Life or Death (Scarian)

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I have some explaining to do.

Okay, this was a request from Gremmllin! Thank you for the request. Thing is, I'm SO SORRY this took me OVER A WEEK! I completely forgot about it until like yesterday ahaha. That being said, this was so much fun to write, and I'm actually really proud of the end result!

They also said that I could do it for whoever I wanted... so I chose Scarian, because Grian is shipped with like everyone so it works.

I headcannon that the more time you spend with the person you are sick for, the quicker you die.

Also, I know this is my THIRD hanahaki but I'm honestly not complaining I really like these haha

Setting is the Hermitcraft server.

Warnings are blood, vomiting, and OMEGA obliviousness. 

WC: ~1830 (almost beats my longest one!)


Grian smiled as he detailed his mansion. Something about the process was oddly calming. The location, the clink of the lanterns, the way something plain and ugly could become beautiful in just a little bit of time.

The builder turned around to glance at his gorgeous jungle home. The epic tree made by Iskall. The crazy-looking... thing... made by Mumbo. The dangerously pretty landscape Stress had created. The magic village made by Scar.


Another small smile came to Grian's lips as he thought about his fellow builder. Talent that Grian looked up to. Scar was a great architect, and an even better friend. Grian rubbed his throat, which was oddly itching at the thought. Grian coughed, the itch in his throat refusing to leave.

And then, he saw something that he thought he'd never see.

Lilac petals.

Coming out of his mouth.


Frustration raced through him as he snatched the soft lilac petal from the air. This didn't make sense. How could he have hanahaki?

I don't like anyone...

I need help.


Grian smiled despite this new development. He could get help. Scar wouldn't mind, and he was a wizard. Wizards knew this kind of... stuff. And working with Scar would be fun. 

Even when it was life or death like this. 

Grian launched a firework rocket in the direction of Scar's village, gliding in the air. Pain was already starting to constrict in his throat and chest. Grian violently coughed again, wincing at the petals. Swooping down, Grian landed on top of Larry and scanned the area for his wizard-y friend.

"Hey G!" Grian grinned at the voice. Turning around, he saw none other than GoodTimesWithScar.

"Hiya Scar!" Grian called out, flinching at the cracks in his voice. Already?? Thanks, universe. 

"Need somethin-" Scar was cut off by another hacking cough from Grian. Horror painted itself onto Scar's face as the wizard was hit by realization. "Wha- who is it??" Grian gave a crackly sigh.

"I don't know," Grian's response had Scar arching his eyebrows. 

"What do you mean you don't know?" The panic in Scar's voice was coated in skepticism, and he went to sit next to Grian. The Brit sighed and drew his knees close to his chest. 

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