Let Me Help You Remember (Beetho)

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Y'all. I started this oneshot back in Season Seven.

Oh my gosh.

But I finally finished it!! It's kinda ehhh, but it's done!

This oneshot features a bit of Mindcrack, y'know, an SMP I've never watched. There's not a lot about it, but the little bit that's there is probably wrong :D

TW for mentions of death, bad flashbacks, and Etho hittin' his head pretty hard.

WC: ~2,600



All Etho saw was a flash of green, right in his eyes, and then everything went dark.

Dark, but not out.

"EVERYONE STOP!" A voice- Scar's, perhaps?- rang out. "ETHO'S HURT!"

"I'm sorry!" Another shrieked, and Etho was able to recognize Tango. "I'm so sorry!! I didn't mean to hurt him!!"

"Get Beef," Doc's gruff, commanding voice was easy to recognize.

A fizzing sound.


All sound and sight went completely out as peaceful darkness washed over Etho.

"Etho?? Nod if you can hear me,"

Etho blinked his eyes open to a pair of familiar blue eyes.

"Beefers," he breathed. The other sighed in relief.

"Do you remember what happened?" he asked. Etho shook his head. "Someone accidentally did something, and you got hurt." Etho laughed.

"Who did it? Pause?" he joked.

Beef stared at him in shock.

"Wh- what...?" he stammered. Etho blinked, then repeated himself.

"Pause. Y'know, our friend? Team Canada? You asked if I'm feeling alright, but are you?"

"I- I'll be right back," Beef's voice shook, and when he turned away, Etho caught a glimpse of him wiping his eyes.

Before he could say anything, Beef left the room.

"He doesn't remember," Beef whispered. "He doesn't know what happened."

"What do you mean?" Bdubs's voice contrasted, ringing out. He and Doc were waiting in the other room, Beef had forgotten that they were there.

"He- he asked about Pause," Beef's voice was hushed. "I... I don't think he remembers." Bdubs immediately got up and took Beef's shaking hands in his own, while Doc stayed frozen in shock.

"Are you okay?" Bdubs asked, his voice worried. Beef didn't respond. He didn't really have an answer to Bdubs's question.

"I think it's temporary," Doc murmured. "It's also partial- he's forgotten Hermitcraft and reverted back to Mindcrack."

"For how long?" Beef whispered. "I- I don't want to explain to him what happened-"

"Considering that it happened because he hit his head?" Doc paused. "I think it'll only last a week, at most."

"So, for one week, he won't remember any of the Hermits," Bdubs mumbled. "And he expects to be in Mindcrack?"

"Yep," Doc replied. "I'll go tell Xisuma, he's probably worried sick. You two, try to explain that we're not in Mindcrack, but maybe don't specify what happened." Bdubs nodded, and Doc excused himself to go find their Admin.

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