Emotions (Grumbo)

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Fun fact: I've been procrastinating on this for about a month or two!

Warnings are hanahaki, you all know the drill by now.

Setting is the Hermitcraft server.

WC: ~600


Mumbo hated his emotions.

Who told them to exist?

No one, that's who!

And his emotions for Grian?

The worst ones of the bunch.

Especially because they were deadly.

Mumbo sighed as he stared at the cornflower petals in his hand. He wasn't even that... scared. Not even that sad. It felt as if it were inevitable. Ignoring and refusing to confess emotions was notoriously deadly, and some of the more-knowledgeable Hermits had advised all of the Hermits to stay away from hanahaki at all costs.

'Just confess,' they said.

'It'll be fine,' they said.

Mumbo was certain it wouldn't be fine.

Despite his better judgment, Mumbo said nothing about his problem.

How could he?

Time passed.

Mumbo wasn't sure how long.

He still hated his emotions.

But even when he knew he could kill them all off...

He didn't.

He didn't take the potion.

Why wouldn't he, you ask?

Because loving Grian was worth the blood.

Worth the petals.

Worth the thorns.

Worth the pain.

And pain was exactly what Mumbo was going through.

The redstoner crouched in the dirt, vomiting up the all-too-familiar cornflower petals. The blood was sickening. Mumbo sat up, feeling dizzy. A part of him knew the logical thing to do was tell someone, tell Grian.

But here he was.

Pointedly not telling anyone.

What was the point of it?

Grian was probably in love with someone else.

Anyone but Mumbo.

The redstoner sighed and pulled himself up. Being sick wouldn't get in the way of him and his work, as that was pretty much the only thing he could do. Talking to anyone was out of the question.

But, naturally, that didn't last long.

And, of course, it wasn't Grian who checked on him.

"I know you're here, Mumbo!" Iskall called out. "Don't bother trying to hide!"

The only sound was Mumbo's racing heart, but Iskall couldn't hear that.

"Get out here right now!" Iskall yelled. "It's been months! You can't just vanish out of nowhere!"

But I have.

And I will.

"I will get Grian right now and he will hunt you down!" Iskall threatened.


Mumbo's hand flew to the flowers growing on his neck, like the most sick, twisted necklace ever.

That's not a bad idea.

The sound of rockets firing indicated Iskall was making good on his threat.

It's almost over.

I think I'm ready to do what has to be done.

"Mumbo?" Grian called out. "Where have you been? I've been so worried..." 


The builders head whipped towards the sound. 

"I'm so sorry, Grian," Mumbo's voice continued. There was something wrong with his voice, like it was... crackly. 

"I've been sick with something called hanahaki," Grian's eyes widened at the voice's confession. He was running, running towards the voice. 

"And I hope you know what that is, because I don't have enough time to explain,"

I do know...

"I'm sick for you, Grian. And I'm so sorry, but I already know what's coming."


"So please, please don't hate me..."

I could never!

"You're going to find this jukebox by my body. I love you, Grian, and I am so, so sorry."

And it was at that moment that Grian saw,

A flowery bloodstained body.

Lying by the jukebox with the voice message inside.

Grian collapsed by Mumbo's body, tears welling up in his eyes and spilling over.

"No, no no no no NO!" Grian cried, grabbing Mumbo's cold shoulders. 

"Mumbo, you spoon!" he shouted, tears flowing freely down his cheeks.

And the confession that came out of his mouth was no more than a whisper,

"I... I loved you too,"


But now I'm sad...

W e l p.


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