Are You Okay? (Scarian)

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This prompt made me wheeze.


So yeah! Take some... *wheeze*... Scarian!


*comes back to life* Shameless self-promotion! Real quick! I have another book! Watched is a Hermitcraft AU, and it actually has an ongoing storyline. Check it out if you're interested!

I'm sorry. Promotion completed.

Warnings are... injury. From walking into street signs. Woo.

Setting is somewhere over the gaybow.


WC: ~330 (this is a drabble okay?)


Scar walked along the sidewalk, humming softly to himself as he watched the people pass by. Some of them traveled in groups. Some walked alone. Others met up with their friends as they went along.

One strolled into street signs.

Scar had heard a clang behind him, only to turn around to see a man walk right into a clearly visible street sign. The man wore a red sweater and had blonde hair. Scar dashed over to him as he fell.

"Are you okay?" Scar asked, holding back laughter.

"Only my pride is injured." The man mumbled, rubbing his head. Scar offered him a hand, smiling. The man gladly took it, letting Scar pull him up. "I'm Grian."

"Scar," he responded. Grian blinked.

"Erm, I don't think it will?" Grian tried. "I mean, do bruises scar? I don't-" 

"Oh, no!" Scar cut him off, realizing what Grian was thinking. "That's my name. Scar. My name is Scar." Why am I so awkward? Something about his eyes, they're catching me off-guard...

"Uh, nice to meet you, Scar!" Grian stuttered. 

"Can I ask you something?" Scar said after a moment. "Why- no, how- did you walk straight into that street sign?"

Grian blushed. He knew exactly why he was so unfocused, and why he hadn't been looking as he was walking.

No, not unfocused.


Grian had been looking at Scar.

"Erm... I got distracted," Grian mumbled. 

"Oh, I see," Scar said. "It's kind of easy to forget what we're doing. I mean, sometimes I get distracted by the people around me! I haven't run into any street signs yet." Grian laughed.

"Watch out," he warned playfully. "They come when you least expect it."

"I'll keep that in mind," Scar returned the laugh. Should I ask him?

"Can- can I- erm- have your number?" Grian blurted, his face flushing when Scar just blinked at him. "I mean, there might be a friendship here!"

"Of course!" Scar smiled. They traded numbers and waved each other off. 

It was a small exchange, but it would change them both.


That was actually so fun to write. Really bad, but fun to write. Whatever. It's all for the fun of it anyway :D


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