Secret Admirer (Bdoc)

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Gremmllin gave me the idea. Gremm, thank you!!

Warnings are... I suppose you could say very mild self-doubt. But this is mostly just some fluffy fluff!

Setting is Highschool AU

WC: ~760


It's Valentine's Day.

A day that Bdubs previously had no interest for.

A day to celebrate love, fine. That's all well and good.

But it was different when someone was celebrating their love for you.

Bdubs opened his locker, reaching in to grab a book for a class. However, a small piece of paper caught his eye.

A piece of paper wasn't an unusual thing to see in Bdubs's locker. There would sometimes be little bits of garbage littered in corners of the space. But something about the way that one was lying in the center and neatly folded immediately sent warning sirens inside of Bdubs. Slowly, hesitantly, he reached in and picked up the paper.

"Happy Valentines Day.

-Your Secret Admirer"

Bdubs felt his face flush from embarrassment and surprise, and a small smile crept onto his face.

I wonder who it is, he thought, unaware of one of his best friends reading over his shoulder.

"Oooh, someone's got a lover!" Etho cooed, startling Bdubs. "Who do you think it is?"

A part of Bdubs wanted to tell Etho to buzz off, but... Etho was smart. And Bdubs was pretty curious...

"I don't know," he mumbled. "Do you recognize the handwriting?"

"No," Etho replied, looking closer. "But it's really neat. Too neat. This person must've put a lot of effort into writing neatly so that it would be harder to trace the note back to them. They're smart, whoever they are."

Lost in conversation, neither noticed the pair of sharp eyes boring into them from behind.

"Hey, what's this?" Bdubs glanced into his locker, something catching his eye.

A rose, the same color as his bandana.

Bdubs's face went red as Etho giggled, and he put the flower back in his locker, promising internally to revisit it when he was less likely to be teased. His heart felt like it was lit with a spark, burning brightly and beautifully.

"I wonder how long this game'll play," Etho murmured. Bdubs shrugged, trying and failing to appear calm and collected.

Calm and collected was never his thing.

And Etho could tell.

It was after school hours that Bdubs was going to revisit his locker.

The school was practically empty, only a few kids remaining. Some were borrowing books and using study tables in the library. Others had permission to use the music rooms to practice with a friend. Many were in afterschool clubs.

Bdubs was getting ready to leave, simply going to drop off an unneeded textbook at his locker.

A tiny part of him hoped to find another note, but the logical part of him knew he probably wouldn't.

And he didn't find a note.

Instead, he caught the admirer in the act.

"Doc?" Bdubs asked, bewildered. Right in front of his locker stood Doc, holding a piece of neatly-folded paper. He froze at his name, and he turned to Bdubs with a 'deer-under-headlights' look in his eyes.

"I-" Doc started, his face heating up, more than Bdubs. "Erm..."

Slowly, Bdubs came over, and gently took the note from Doc's hands.

"You have beautiful eyes."

It was written in the exact same freakishly-neat handwriting, the paper folded in the exact same way-

"It- it was you?" Bdubs murmured. Doc's face was a vivid red by now, and he nodded ever-so-slightly. Bdubs smiled softly, before re-folding the note and slipping it into his locker, like Doc would've done if he hadn't been caught.

"I'm sorry," Doc blurted, surprising Bdubs. "I'm- I'm sorry to disappoint you."

"Disappoint?" Bdubs echoed, confused. "What do you mean?" Doc sighed, then ran a hand down his face.

"I probably wasn't who you were hoping for," he continued. "You were probably hoping it was someone... acceptable."

"You're acceptable!" Bdubs replied immediately, horrified by Doc's words. "More than acceptable!!"

"That's sweet," Doc mumbled, clearly not convinced.

He doesn't believe me?

Well, then I'll MAKE him believe me!

Bdubs didn't think twice before pecking Doc on the lips.

"I- you- what-" Doc stammered, his cheeks somehow becoming even redder than before.

"You were exactly who I was hoping for," Bdubs's voice was soft, a hopeful whisper. "I couldn't have been happier with anyone else."

"I can't believe I got busted on the first day," Doc muttered, earning a small giggle from Bdubs.

"Yeah, that was pretty bad," he agreed, earning a smirk from Doc.

"I'd like to see you do any better!" he challenged.

"You'd already know it'd be me!" Bdubs protested.

"You know, I think I'd like to stay your 'Secret Admirer'," Doc said suddenly. "Except, without the 'Secret'."

"I think 'boyfriend' sounds simpler," Bdubs remarked.

"Yeah, let's stick with that," Doc agreed, and the pair shared a sweet smile.

Bdubs had been through many Valentine's Days in his life.

But this one was easily the best one ever.

This is your guys's fluff reward for the angst last chapter.


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