It's Not. (Helsknight)

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Hels angst? Hels angst.


also this is like a wels-hels backstory thing and I might write more with this settig-concept :D

WC: ~1500


Hels swung his sword at the dummy, trying to pull off one of the maneuvers that he'd read about in the textbook. It involved striking, moving back, blocking, and striking from another angle.

And it should've been easy.

Hels gritted his teeth, trying again, but then ending up tripping, which just fueled his fury.

"Stupid- stupid-" Hels hissed under his breath. He tried again, but instead of striking on the second time where the dummy's heart should've been, he hit the neck.

Hels dropped his sword, and in a sudden and impulsive movement, punched his own arm, his eyes widening as the pain shot through him like electricity.

A sense of relief followed the burst, and Hels felt like his mind had... cleared.

Slowly, Hels picked up his sword again, staring at his reflection in the polished metal.

If I fail again, then I'm a fool, Hels told himself, his fiery eyes narrowing. If I fail again, then I haven't been trying hard enough.

And that time, Hels tried again, and he scored the hit.


Hels glanced at the arm he had punched, a grin on his face.

I think that I might just have figured something out.

"Oh, look who's coming in!!"

Hels lifted his head, narrowing his eyes in the direction of the mocking voice. It was one of the other students, surrounded by a group of equally annoying cronies.

Wels slipped his hand into Hels's, keeping him grounded.

That didn't last for long, though, as the kid shoved his way over to them.

"The hybrids here think that they're just as good as the rest of us!" his voice was loud, gloating.

Being part-Overworldian, which Hels and Wels were, wasn't taken well in the Nether.

"They think that they're just as good as us," the kid repeated, leaning closer to smirk in Hels's face. He was arrogant, cocky, and everything that a knight shouldn't be.

And Hels couldn't stand him.

In a swift movement, Hels kicked his legs, knocking the floor out beneath him. The boy fell back, and before he fell, Hels grabbed the collar of the shirt he wore under his armor and held him there.

"Actually," Hels's voice was low, dangerous. "I don't think we're as good as you. We're better than you ever will be."

"Hels," Wels put a hand on his shoulder. "Let him go, he isn't worth our time."

"Backing down from a fight, coward?" the boy spat out the last word.

That was it.

Hels delivered a punch straight into the smug expression on his face, drawing a yelp. He dropped the boy on the ground.

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