Idiots (Platonic ZIT)

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Cracky fluff? 


I'd like to clarify that this oneshot will look like Impulse shipping from the beginning all the way to the climax. I promise it isn't, but it will certainly look like it. Just hear me out.

And I had not title motivation. Again.

So just idiots.

No warnings!

WC: ~1200


Tango landed at Impulse's base, Zedaph following closely behind. The three of them arranged to have a laid-back day together, taking a break from their normally busy lives to simply hang out.

Zed opened his mouth to call out to Impulse, but Tango held a finger in front of his mouth to silence him.

"Let's startle Impy," Tango suggested, a mischievous grin on his face. Zedaph's face lit up, and he nodded enthusiastically. The pair slipped inside his base, and heard Impulse's laughter echoing through the main room.

The two shared a confused glance, but continued walking towards him.

"Alright, I gotta go!" Impulse said to someone. "Love you, bye!" and the sound of a communicator ending a call followed the words.

Impulse- is dating someone?!

Tango felt a grin spread across his face, the expression matched by Zedaph.

"Don't mention it," Zedaph whispered. "We'll figure it out on our own."

Tango nodded, and the pair went and met up with Impulse.

"This was fun!" Impulse laughed, landing on his base with Tango and Zedaph.

"Yeah!" Tango agreed. "We should do this more often!"

"We should!" Zed chimed in, grinning. "But anyways, off we go! See you around, Impulse!"

Impulse waved them off as the two launched into the sky, flying towards the Toon Towers. The moment they were inside, Tango ran to go grab something, and returned with a piece of large poster paper that was rolled up. Tango unraveled it on a table, Zed peeking over his shoulder.

On the paper were the pictures of all the Hermits, lined up in a circle. Some people had lines connecting them with a Hermit, either a full line or a dotted one. Tango and Zedaph had a full line between them, and Ren and Iskall, Hels and Xay, and Wels and Jevin also shared a line. Doc and Bdubs had a dotted line between them, and so did Etho and Beef, Hypno and xB, and Scar and Grian.

It was a chart, shared between Impulse, Tango, and Zedaph, that showed all of the romantic relationships on the server- both the confirmed ones, and the ones they needed to hook up.

It was a secret project between the three of them, dedicated to making their friends less oblivious.

Tango handed a pencil to Zed, who drew a dotted line from Impulse to the center of the circle.

"We have to figure this out," Tango said. "Impulse basically 'hippity hoppity your love life is now my property'ed us, so it's only fair we do the same!" Zed laughed, nodding his agreement.

"He did! So, who would it be?" Zed wondered out loud. "It can't be Xisuma, Hels, Ren, Xay, Iskall, Jevin, or Wels, of course. So who else?"

"Maybe we were wrong about Bdubs and Doc?" Tango offered. "Maybe it's Bdubs!"

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